Monday, May 7, 2007

A Letter of Introduction

My name is Mimi, and I am a mumsy of a 12 year old boy, two 1 year old boys, and a 1 year old baby girl. It sounds like an introduction that you would hear at some sort of 12-step program.

Instead, it’s my introduction and has been for a little over a year now. I get all sorts of questions whenever I go out. It doesn’t matter if I am in the elevator, grocery store, or a parking lot, I get a LOT of questions! I hope that by blogging, I can answer more of your questions in better detail than I can when asked while out & about!

You have to understand, that by nature, I am a very friendly person. However, I often feel that I am being rude by not being able to stop & talk as much as I would like to with everyone who stops me to ask questions. Hopefully I can remedy all of this with my blog!

Let’s start over. Hello, my name is Mimi and I am a triplet mom and mother to a wonderful 6th grader. There, that’s better. Now, let’s get to know each other a little bit better.


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