Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How To Handle The Holidays?

Lately, I have been dreading the coming of the Holidays. It's not that I don't love them, I really do. It's just that I am not too certain how I should handle the holidays with my over-abundance of toddlers.

Last year was really quite simple. Thanksgiving was easy because the babies were not quite as mobile as they are now, and they really just spent most of lunch in their carriers, content to watch the folly of the adults which apparently made for interesting amusement.

Christmas Eve at my Grandfather's went well because the babies again were regulated to their carriers and were fine with sitting in a semi-circle chattering amongst themselves about the goings on with the adults.

Christmas was cancelled for the most part at the last minute due to my nieces and nephew all being sick. We just stayed at home and did our own thing there and it was all good.

In fact, it worked out well because it took the babies a couple of days to unwrap all of their presents because they had to test everything out before going on to the next one!

This year, though, we are mobile. Not only can we all walk, but they can climb and have the coordination to not only open cabinets and drawers, but can also move furniture if they are so inclined (which actually has happened a few times believe it or not!)

So, here is my folly. Do people normally take their multiples to their relatives houses for the holidays, or have do they just move everything to their house to make things easier on everyone?

Mine are going to be 21 months when Christmas rolls around this year and I am not too sure it's a very good idea to unleash them on the houses of others during the holidays, given their newly acquired skills!

At least at my house, I have a way to feed them (containment in the feeding chairs) and their toys to keep them out of trouble...somewhat!

My fears are that they will find the houses of others more fun than new toys & treat it like a jungle gym or worse!

It's not easy keeping one toddler under control during the holidays as a guest at other peoples houses (especially main gatherings.)

But being able to successfully keep three toddlers under control & out of trouble is a quite a whole different ballgame altogether!

When one toddler gets into trouble or hurt, the other two usually end up taking advantage of the focused parent and use the opportunity to try and get into some sort of trouble themselves!

I have already hurt some feelings when I had to try and explain to a few family members why it was that we couldn't come for a visit.

I was only thinking of their breakables that they so lovingly cherish and really do not want to put up out of reach of tiny hands. Then again, when it comes to Kai, climbing is his forte' and "Up" may not be high or safe enough!

I shudder to think of the possibilities of disaster. Think of Thanksgiving. This is a time when we normally haul out the pretty table linens and fine china and the crystal. My kids just love breaky noises.

Would the temptation of a table cloth prove too much for the ever-conniving mind of a toddler? What about three little minds that work in tandem?

Then there is the matter of the Christmas tree. I have a sort of idea or game plan on how to actually get to have mine and it survive the year.

But the tree at other unsuspecting family members may not be so protected. Just think of it. A Christmas tree to a child is all sparkly, lit up, and hung with all sorts of little toy type objects just waiting to be played with.

How am I to keep my tiny trio from playing with something so inviting? Then there is the matter of other people's presents.

This year, the babies should be able to figure out and master the art of unwrapping a present.

They aren't all that adept at the communication skills with folks other than each other (that multiple thing) so trying to tell them "No" might just entice them to pump up the effort a bit and go a little further.

So, I am torn. I want them to have family time and celebrate with others. But, at the same time, I am worried about the rest of the family getting stressed over the idea that my tiny trio would basically be overrunning their homes!

So, does anyone have any ideas on how to handle the situation? Should I be daring & venture over to the unsuspecting relatives homes for Thanksgiving & Christmas?

Or, should I try and convince them that it's a better idea to come to my house and celebrate?

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