Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Creepy Comments

Lately, I have been noticing some less than pleasant comments popping up here and there on several of the forums that I frequent.

It's odd, really, because many of those posting these comments do not seem to have any reason to do so other than just being cruel.

These sorts of folks do not appear to be Mommie's on the Mommie site, or involved parties on a breaking news comment, even.

A fellow blogger of mine received a rather awful comment that claimed that she was an awful Mum for trying to teach her child a lesson over a incident that occurred in her home.

Does this person commenting even know this Mum? Of course they don't. Not one of us who DOES would ever say something so awful about her.

Let's skip over to an incident that happened recently on another forum.

A very dear friend of mine's children were in a very serious car accident the other day.

Almost as soon as the traffic update was posted to the site, the vultures were busy posting awful comments implying that cell phones must have been the cause of the accident, or that these kids must be on something or were driving under the influence.

These folks seem to have nothing better to do with their time, than to say and speculate terrible things about people and incidences that they know NOTHING about.

Many of the times I do get a good giggle out of these posts as they do reflect the intellect of the person posting them, but these last few incidences have really gone a bit too far.

These children were hurt, and all these folks could do was accuse them of being on drugs, drinking or talking on their cell phones.

A Mum shares a funny incident that happened to her child and how she is handling the situation, and suddenly folks have decided to label her a bad Mum because they disagree with her parenting choices.

The accident, as it just so happens, occurred while the kids were on their way home from school. There weren't any drugs or alcohol or even cell phone use involved.

The driver stopped to pick up her friend's little brother and some other friends after the buss let them off.

She was trying to do something nice for them. She could not help that a medical condition of hers took over and the accident occurred.

It was only after my friend began posting the actual facts of the matter (first bulletins about accidents are often not accurate anyways,) that the vultures began to back off a bit.

These people did not know these kids, nor did they even care that they were real people who were hurt and had families and friends that cared about them.

All they cared about was talking a lot of nonsense about them and trying to stir up yet more trouble with out a care as to what the consequences would be.

Thankfully, these kids are going to be okay. Unfortunately, none of us really want them checking out the article that ran on them because of the ugly comments that were left behind.

We were going to print them copies for their scrap books so they can look back and see how lucky they really were in surviving such an accident without any major repercussions.

But now, none of us can figure out how to explain to them why anyone would say those awful things about them, so they probably won't get to see the article.

I suppose what I am trying to say is, that we do not mind if you disagree with the way we as parents handle our children.

We really do not mind that you have an opinion on a given issue have chosen to voice that in the forums.

Sharing of different and diverse opinion is a great way to learn new concepts and broaden your horizons.

I really do not mind people leaving me negative comments, but then again, I don't let things like that bother me.

You have to understand, that what we write about are our lives and our children.

Just because it's written in black and white, doesn't mean that it's any less real than your own families.

Many of us have family and friends that read our stories, and many of those who are in accidents have family and friends that will read those articles that are posted and ran about them as well.

I welcome comments from everyone, both positive and negative. But do please remember that the people that we write about in our blogs and in our postings and in these newspaper articles are real people.

I do believe that there is a nice way to present information and a rather rude way to go about it and that people should re-read anything that they hope to post in some effort to make sure that they aren't going to be taken the wrong way.

After all, those comments and postings may be the only things we know about you as a person and how would that make you appear to us?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I confirm. And I have faced it. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.

March 6, 2010 at 1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have hit the mark. Thought excellent, it agree with you.

March 13, 2010 at 4:54 PM  

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