Monday, January 7, 2008

10 Memorable Things of 2007

Instead of making New Years Resolutions and such and trying to keep them, my friends and I each make a list of 10 memorable things for the past year.

The sorts of things that make the list can be good, bad or in between. It really doesn't matter as long as they are important to you in some way, shape or form.

So, in no particular order, here are my 1o most memorable things for 2007, good, bad and everything in between.

1. My baby sister came home and is doing well.

2. Kaiden, Kian and Baby Vivienne each finally learned to walk, run and do all of the scary things that come with knowing how to do so & they are HEALTHY, and I now have a TEENAGER to raise....EEK!

3. I lost my best friend that has been around since I was 16 years old.

4. I have gained several new friends through the loss of my best friend (it doesn't make it
better for any of us, but good things are growing out of our friendships.)

5. I no longer drive a four-door sedan. Instead, I have a mini-van that can safely seat my
entire immediate family and still have room for groceries, our limo-sized stroller, the baby
booster seats, and a friend or so for my eldest.

6. We now live in a much bigger house than the tiny 2 bedroom, delapidated cottage that we started out in!

7. I have put together and brought to fruition a project that is almost 15 years in the making
and it's gaining strength by the day.

8. My house is relatively clean in spite of my tiny trio and their reign of terror, my 13 year old,
and my husband. My father has even admitted this, which means a LOT to me!

9. I am making Mommie friends and even have some folks that I can invite over for play dates
who won't run screaming in terror when they see or meet my kids!

10. I finally was able to have my family over on Christmas Eve for the first time EVER and they
actually came, and seemed to enjoy themselves.

I challenge each of you to make a list of your own. It's harder than it looks, especially if you try and include the ENTIRE year instead of just the past few months!


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