Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Video Game Dilemma!

So, is anybody else already regretting their child owning or playing video games while on their summer break?

During the school year, my eldest is restricted from them during the week & allowed to play only on weekends or while en route to trip destinations.

All hand-helds must be turned in to ME each Sunday evening before bedtime during the school year, as well.

But, now that it's summer, I have relinquished the games and already I am starting to regret it!

It seems that all my child wants to do is play video games of one sort or another!

He went over to my Dad's house to play with his cousins, and all they did was PLAY WII!

While keeping an eye on his siblings, he actually will try and encourage the babies to watch him play video games.

Granted these are the hand-helds I am referring to, but I am waiting for the day when I catch him trying to play them on their cartoon televison set!

I can see that day coming like a freight train in the not so very far off future!

His attitude is okay, I suppose...I have had to get on to him for not wanting to take out the garbage once or twice...but that's about it.

I guess what I am most concerned with is that he just doesn't seem to listen when he plays the games.

He has a habit of tuning out everything in his surroundings and everybody for that matter. His mind just seems to turn to mush!

So, does anyone have opinions or possible solutions that I could try without making him feel like he is being punished for the summer?

I hate to restrict him completely from playing with his games over his summer vacation.

But, at the same time, I would like to be able to do things with him, and have him participate in family activities without the presence of those pesky games!


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