Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Quiet Evening At Home

Tonight was such a pleasant night! I picked Bregon up from The Renzi Center at five as usual.

He was all stoked about having had his zombie scenes filmed today and having been allowed to use his father's FX makeup to do his own special effects.

He accidentally made one of the little kids scream, and demonstrated in the car not thinking about the babies in the backseat.

There was an immediate answer from the backseat from Kai who screamed almost identically to his big brother.

It was followed by a burst of giggles from all three of the babies who, luckily, found everything super funny!

We got home, fed the babies, and waited for Husband to get home from work.

Once Husband was home, we noticed Kai was jumping all across the living room floor.

So, we decided that it would be okay to take everyone outside for an after dinner bounce on the trampoline(we were feeling adventurous!)

All six of us climbed into the enclosure and let the babies play away while we talked as a family.

The baby boys bounced all around and then into each other, bumping bellies like a bunch of pygmy sumo wrestlers!

Vivienne was quite upset over having icky leaves and dust on her feet, so she just sat there for the longest, fretting over the ick, with her feet straight out in front of her.

Finally, she stood up and decided to boingy along with her brothers! She even motioned for the rest of us to stand up and join her!

Meanwhile, Kian had started chanting, "Boingy boingy boingy" over and over again.

We must have looked quite a site with all six of us jumping carefully and chanting along with Kian!

It was really super nice and actually cool with the breeze that was blowing through the trees.

We had such a lovely, quiet evening at home together as a family tonight!


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