Thursday, August 28, 2008

The New Diapering Supply

Ever since the triplets were born, we have been doing our part to drive up the stock in Pampers!

We don’t even waste our time buying the little dinky packs that are in plastic on the grocery store shelves.

Nope, we buy the mondo-super pack boxes from places like Sam’s Club that are designed to last a normal family for about a month.

We also buy our wipes by the case in bulk as well, for obvious reasons! It isn’t just because Baby Vivienne loves to play with them, either!

I’ve also done my share of contributing to the rise in stock of Boudreaux’s Butte paste, too!

But now, we’ve been forced to add another, very unlikely tool, to our diapering supply list.

Yep, I have now officially added tape to the list of things that are necessary to our diapering existence.

You see, for several weeks, we have been combating the children taking off their diapers before bed.

There have been many a morning where I have walked into the nursery to find shiny little bare hiney’s up in the air, baring all to the wind as my tiny trio slept!

Nobody has tried finger painting or making messes, YET, but in anticipation of such icky events, I have taken to regularly taping the boy’s britches each night.

Thankfully, Vivienne respects her panties enough to not want to remove them so that she could get to her diaper….YET.

I know the day will come, however, when panties will just not be the deterrent that they once were.

So, I buy tape. Lots and lots of tape. And I bet you thought that duct tape came in pretty colors just for fun!


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