Diapers, Diapers, Everywhere!
One of the biggest expenses that mothers who have multiples will have is that of diapers. In fact, we go through so many diapers, that sometimes I think I should advise all of my friends and family to buy stock in our diaper company.
Before our triplets were born, we could only guess how many diapers we would go through in a day. There just isn't any way to fathom how many a family with multiples will use during the diaper wearing years.
That first week after the babies were born, we would get some idea as to what was to come. Once they were allowed to begin bottle feeding, we were advised to change each baby prior to every feeding as a general rule.
The baby's quickly learned to suck, swallow and breathe all at the same time and were soon on a four hour feeding schedule. This meant that they would eat five times each day and be each changed before given their bottles. That added up to fifteen diapers per day, one hundred and three diapers per week.
Now, if you look at the average amount included in a case of diapers, you might think you have it home-free. Most new mom's find that they go through about a package of diapers per week. If you buy your diapers at a whole-sale club such as Sam's Club, or Costco, you will be getting about 240 diapers/box. Which, in the beginning, should last a triplet mum a little over two weeks providing you are buying preemie sizes at first.
Then, much to your chagrin, you find that preemie sized diapers no longer fit! A mum is happy on the one hand, because it means your trio is growing which is a good sign. On the other hand, you watch as the amount of diapers included in that case of diapers starts to drastically drop. Soon, I found that we were going through about a case a week on the whole.
It's not that the babies are filling them any quicker; it's just that the diaper company's seem to not be able to squeeze in as many diapers as they could when the size was extra-tiny. Hmm... I wonder if maybe it’s because the diaper company's know that there really isn't any alternative or if it’s really all just a matter of space.
I guess you COULD try and potty-train your infant. Most reports say that these people who do try aren't really training the baby to use the potty, but training themselves to know when their kids have to go and how to catch them at just the right moment to get them to the potty on time.
I can't see myself sitting there, staring at my children, trying to read the potty signs on my trio's faces, waiting for the moment to come so that I can rush them to the potty and dangle them precariously over the edge of the seat, trying my best not to accidentally let one slide into the bowl and get their first swirly...It's just not something a mum should initiate her baby to...
Did I mention that my triplets tend to do EVERYTHING together? Yep, you guessed it. Not only are they conditioned from birth to eat at the same time and sleep at the same time, but their tiny bodies become synchronized to go potty at about the same time each day as well.
I get to plan my day around synchronized feedings and their nap-time, and I can even let you know about when to expect the dirty diaper fairy to put in an appearance. Stench times three! It's something, let me tell ya!
I have learned how to make judgments as to which fussy baby needs to be held first, fed first, and even put down for their nap first. I just don't think that I can make that choice as to who gets to be dangled over the potty first, in hopes that one will go quickly enough to allow their siblings to get the same chance at hitting the jackpot as the first triplet did.
I mean, how would you feel if you were conditioned to think that you HAD to use the potty instead of a diaper and your mumsy couldn’t juggle your siblings in time for you to get to use the potty on time and you had an accident in your panties or britches. It would send a horrible message to any child in the same situation.
So, for now, I will remain a faithful slave to my diapers, all one hundred and sixty of them that my case now currently contains. I am going to hold off on potty training until they can walk on their own, understand what it is I am really asking them to do, and are tall enough to actually climb up and sit on the potty all on their own (all stools aside!)
Before our triplets were born, we could only guess how many diapers we would go through in a day. There just isn't any way to fathom how many a family with multiples will use during the diaper wearing years.
That first week after the babies were born, we would get some idea as to what was to come. Once they were allowed to begin bottle feeding, we were advised to change each baby prior to every feeding as a general rule.
The baby's quickly learned to suck, swallow and breathe all at the same time and were soon on a four hour feeding schedule. This meant that they would eat five times each day and be each changed before given their bottles. That added up to fifteen diapers per day, one hundred and three diapers per week.
Now, if you look at the average amount included in a case of diapers, you might think you have it home-free. Most new mom's find that they go through about a package of diapers per week. If you buy your diapers at a whole-sale club such as Sam's Club, or Costco, you will be getting about 240 diapers/box. Which, in the beginning, should last a triplet mum a little over two weeks providing you are buying preemie sizes at first.
Then, much to your chagrin, you find that preemie sized diapers no longer fit! A mum is happy on the one hand, because it means your trio is growing which is a good sign. On the other hand, you watch as the amount of diapers included in that case of diapers starts to drastically drop. Soon, I found that we were going through about a case a week on the whole.
It's not that the babies are filling them any quicker; it's just that the diaper company's seem to not be able to squeeze in as many diapers as they could when the size was extra-tiny. Hmm... I wonder if maybe it’s because the diaper company's know that there really isn't any alternative or if it’s really all just a matter of space.
I guess you COULD try and potty-train your infant. Most reports say that these people who do try aren't really training the baby to use the potty, but training themselves to know when their kids have to go and how to catch them at just the right moment to get them to the potty on time.
I can't see myself sitting there, staring at my children, trying to read the potty signs on my trio's faces, waiting for the moment to come so that I can rush them to the potty and dangle them precariously over the edge of the seat, trying my best not to accidentally let one slide into the bowl and get their first swirly...It's just not something a mum should initiate her baby to...
Did I mention that my triplets tend to do EVERYTHING together? Yep, you guessed it. Not only are they conditioned from birth to eat at the same time and sleep at the same time, but their tiny bodies become synchronized to go potty at about the same time each day as well.
I get to plan my day around synchronized feedings and their nap-time, and I can even let you know about when to expect the dirty diaper fairy to put in an appearance. Stench times three! It's something, let me tell ya!
I have learned how to make judgments as to which fussy baby needs to be held first, fed first, and even put down for their nap first. I just don't think that I can make that choice as to who gets to be dangled over the potty first, in hopes that one will go quickly enough to allow their siblings to get the same chance at hitting the jackpot as the first triplet did.
I mean, how would you feel if you were conditioned to think that you HAD to use the potty instead of a diaper and your mumsy couldn’t juggle your siblings in time for you to get to use the potty on time and you had an accident in your panties or britches. It would send a horrible message to any child in the same situation.
So, for now, I will remain a faithful slave to my diapers, all one hundred and sixty of them that my case now currently contains. I am going to hold off on potty training until they can walk on their own, understand what it is I am really asking them to do, and are tall enough to actually climb up and sit on the potty all on their own (all stools aside!)
I think it is great that you are at least thinking about Infant Potty Training (also known as Elimination Communication). I have 5 children but I can't imagine what life is like with triplets so I won't tell you what you should do. I would suggest giving IPT a second look however.
For one thing you have a few misconceptions that might be standing in the way of your trying. Yes, parents look for signs but we don't "rush" (babies develop bladder and bowel control earlier and quicker than you might think) to the potty. We also never, ever "dangle". These words have been thrown about in the media, but they are inaccurate in reality.
Also, you appear to know many great times to offer your triplets the potty. Instead of doing diaper changes prior to feeding, try offering the potty. Maybe then offer again after feeding as this is a more common elimination time. Some parents over at every diaper change. You also mention that you know when they will need other things including diaper changes. Knowing when to offer the potty is really the same thing, you don't need to sit and stare at them to figure it out.
Also, having done this from birth with two of my children, I've come to realize that babies really prefer to go in a potty over a diaper. It's not that they feel they HAVE to. It makes sense, adults prefer toilets to diapers and so do babies. They will cooperate with you to go in their preferred location.
If you are still interested in learning more check out this website:
They show pottying positions (non-dangling ones. lol) here:
And there is even a page on multiples here:
Good luck with those triplets what ever you decide. What a blessing!
thanks-will look into that-
my biggest problem is that i am by myself for most of the day with them, and they really do usually all have to go @ the same time! i know it sounds odd, but what would i do if all three unwalking babies need to potty all at the same time?
that's really my delimma with it! it wont really be much of an issue once they can all walk and pretty much balance themselves, but since they dont really even toddle yet, i am in a quandary!
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