Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot continued, Friday


We all woke up really early because of the heat. The thermostat measured in at a whopping 80 degrees. As the clock rolled over to 8:00 a.m., I decided that it was of a decent hour and I began calling my landlord as they had requested, to remind them about the much needed repair. I left several messages and finally decided that any more would be rude, even though my triplets were wailing in the background of the messages.

I looked up and found that it was almost noon and I had yet to receive a call back from anyone about our problem. After a whopper message from my husband, they finally called back to let us know that someone would be out today (after much convincing) by one. They actually tried to make us wait until Monday for a repair man.

So here we all sit, with the lights off and the air on, hoping that it will spit out a bit of cool air here and there. The thermostat is sitting on about 90 and it’s at least not all that hot out…The babies are playing in their play-yard happily as can be expected in their wilted little state, their only fights seem to be over who is going to have all of the sippy cups of nice cold juice.

Once the repairman came, we got the wonderful news that the air needed to be charged with Freon, but first it would have to DEFROST for about twelve hours. Yes, they honestly expect me to live in a house for another night with three very unhappy, hot and confused babies with NO AIR CONDITIONING. Did I mention that the same guy has replaced the big unit outside once, and recharged the Freon twice last summer?

He did take pity on our plight and left us with a nice small window unit for the bedroom, promising that he would have someone out first thing in the morning to recharge the Freon.

Once husband got home and received the news, he frantically began changing out the living room ceiling fan (the possessed one that keeps throwing blades randomly across the room at will) and set about figuring out exactly how we were going to fit the window unit into the babies room without the babies playing with it.

Kai’s bed already had to be moved away from the wall once, to avoid him being able to play with the mini-blinds and scale the crib walls with ease. This left that window for the window unit. Husband was able to get the thing into the window almost too easily. It repaid us by having water in its plug and not working once we managed to get the extension cord plugged in into the bathroom socket.

We now have an extension cord running from our sun porch (nursery) through our bedroom, into the hallway and from there, into the bathroom where it now occupies the part of the socket formerly inhabited by my toothbrush (‘tis a small price to pay if I have happy, cool babies and cannot brush my teeth!)

Husband has been trying to re-wire the air conditioner plug so that we will hopefully have cool babies. Meanwhile, Bregon has been trying to feed the babies, overseeing the three-way split of ham, cheese cubes and corn while I record the ongoing saga. Vivie has fallen asleep in her feeding chair, Kai just let a mouthful (and I mean full) of food come tumbling out of his mouth for his brother’s enjoyment, cackling the entire time while Kian is easing his chubby little hand over to his brother’s tray to snag an extra bite or two.

Tonight, we will all pile into my tiny bedroom and try and sleep a bit in the heat. They say a cold front has come in, but the only way I can tell is that it is cooler outside than it is inside the house. It’s dark outside, and our thermostat doesn’t seem to realize it as it still sits on 90.


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