Monday, September 10, 2007

Tomorrow Is Sale Day!!!!

Tomorrow is the day that one of my favorite bi-annual sales takes place. It's a children's consignment sale called "Reruns R Fun" and it recently has been taking place in the old Service Merchandise building in Pierre Bossier Mall.

The sale will start at noon tomorrow, according to their website, HERE. I'm not feeling crazy, so I do not plan on being on that line of people waiting to rush inside the minute they try and open their doors!

I have been going to these sales since my triplets were 6 months old. I remember the dates, because each time it always falls around one of their well-baby appointments. Each time we go, they are always fussy because they just received their immunizations.

Oddly enough, this season, we will not go to the doctor until this Friday, so the people at the sale should be in luck! We won't be crying because we are feeling icky over just having had our shots.

Don't get me wrong, we probably will be crying, however. It seems that we cannot go anywhere without one of my kids doing something to the other sibling sitting in front of them in their stroller that results in tears of some sort.

Sometimes, the tears aren't even caused by their siblings. Yesterday, one of mine actually cried because he couldn't REACH his sister to harass her anymore. So there will probably be tears.

But I really have to go tomorrow. Each time the sale rolls around, I always find something wonderful. One sale, I managed to get all of Vivienne's clothes for the next two seasons. All of what I bought here was either smocked or appliqued like the old "Chocolate Soup" clothes my aunt and mum used to buy for me when I was little.

Sometimes, I am even able to do my Christmas shopping there. The first time I went, I ended up finding a lot of the toys that I had wanted to buy the babies while I was pregnant (and the toys were new at that point) but couldn't because I had been on bed rest.

I hope I don't sound awful, buying my kids their Christmas presents at a consignment sale, but other than EBay, I probably wouldn't have been able to find that specific toy at all! I am very picky and always buy things that are in top-notch shape!

I really have high hopes for the sale tomorrow. This time, I don't need anything in particular, so I won't be scrambling to find another baby bed or a car seat or anything. I should be able to just browse, leisurely (I can hope, can't I?)

I haven't any idea what I want to buy, but I do know that Kian and Kai have a new-found love of dump trucks and cars. Vivienne doesn't need any dollies (Ebay has nicely provided me with enough special dollies for the next two Christmases and her birthday as well!)

Look for us tomorrow in all the throngs of people! You will probably hear us before you see us, as the trio's manners are anything but good at nearly 18 months.

Please forgive us if we aren't as social as we would like to be. But if you listen carefully, you just might get one of Kian's new phrases as a greeting.

My favorite of the bunch is when he says, "How-Dee-Do?" He will also call out, "How doin?" If you are lucky, they even might wave at you, if they aren't too busy pulling each other's hair or trying to kick each other!

Hope to see you all at the sale tomorrow! Try to be as close to opening as you can to get the best selection! There isn't any way to guess what they might have in stock, but you just never know when you will stumble across something wonderful!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

November 10, 2008 at 5:09 AM  

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