Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Different Sort of Day

Yesterday was a different sort of day for my tiny trio. The eldest of the three had a solo doctor's appointment to have his reflux monitored, leaving the other two at home together.

This sort of thing does not happen often. In fact, it's only ever happened once before that one of them had an appointment where the others didn't have to be there.

In this particular case, though, I had a sort of dilemma. I have been without a car for almost a month now due to the untimely death of husband's work truck, so transportation was quite the issue.

I managed to finagle a ride for Kai from my Daddy who has a very tiny Honda. He very bravely agreed to take Kai to his appointment for me.

Kai takes these solo appointments VERY seriously. He appears to feel quite grown up and takes care to be extra sweet and extra good for everyone.

At home, Vivienne and Kian revert back to their NICU days when they insisted upon acting as if they were twins.

They suddenly began to share their toys, and everyone got along for once. There wasn't any biting or hair pulling or hitting...for a time.

Kian got to play with the xylophone all by himself for once without fear of being conked over the head for touching it.

Vivienne was able to finally play with her new dollie furniture. In fact, she decided to play house.

Where she got the idea to do this, I'll never know! She took the baby bed and dragged it over in front of the big window overlooking the patio and placed the headboard along the wall.

Then, she pulled the Tigger armchair over to the bed and positioned it at the opposite end.

To make a third wall, she rolled the giant cloth ball over to the side of the armchair and left herself a tiny baby-girl sized opening for a door.

She then found her nighty-night Dora baby and bib and baby bottle and sat down in her little chair to feed Dora.

Vivie is such a good Mumsy, she even remembered to burp her Dora baby before putting her to sleep in her beddie-bye on her tummy.

Every so often, Kian would call out for Kaiden saying, "Hey Doodles?" He didn't seem to understand that Kai had to go on an errand and he missed his brother.

It got to be nap time and Kai still wasn't back yet from his appointment, so we put on our "Upstairs feet" and "Fairy wings" and twinkled up the stairs with our upstairs feet to the nursery.

Kian still called for his "Doodlie" as he looked wistfully over at his brother's empty bed. It was very bittersweet and a bit sad, really.

I barely had gotten back downstairs before Daddy and Kai were pulling into the driveway.

Kai was very, very tired from his grown up outing and was very glad to see his little bed and his brother and sister.

It's funny how they act when split up for a bit!


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