Monday, January 14, 2008

Feeling A Little Adventurous!

I don't know what got into me, but maybe I was feeling a tiny bit adventurous on Friday.

Maybe it was just Mommy guilt, who knows. I decided that if the school board decided to take a snow day without any bad weather in sight, that we should at least take advantage of it.

I packed up my tiny trio along with my eldest son, and headed down to the Boardwalk with the idea of catching a movie.

We had a choice. We could go see, "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" or "Alvin & The Chipmunks."

I opted for the latter because, after all, it was Bregon's snow day, and not the babies day off!

The showing was at 2:10, and we left our house at 1:30. I do not know what I was thinking.

I know better than this, I really do. Oh, it wasn't that I didn't allocate enough time for me and my kids to get there or anything.

It was the fact that I had quite forgotten to allocate time for all of the rude, stupid people in the world who get in one's way whenever somebody tries to do anything.

I almost had it made, too. I even had mapped out a game plan on where to park.

I should have gone with my first instinct, and opted to park somewhat illegally under the bridge past the parking garage.

But nope, not me, I decided to do the nice and legal thing, and opt to turn innocently down a regular parking lot aisle.

That was when it happened. The suburban at the end of the aisle was just about to turn onto the main drive in front of the shops when it suddenly decided to floor it in reverse.

I, along with several other cars that were meandering innocently down the same aisle in search of a parking space, did not have anywhere to go, really, except forward.

This suburban thing appeared not to care, and was about to back into me regardless. They had to have been going about 45 and in REVERSE.

They did not appear to see any of us, and showed no signs of braking anytime soon, so I laid on the horn in hopes of avoiding getting hit.

They stopped within inches of my bumper, alright, but they were actually MAD!

They were mad at me for whatever reason. I was just glad that they didn't hit me!

Apparently, they were busy stalking this woman who had been innocently walking to her car (I hadn't seen her because I was more worried about the car racing backwards towards us!)

They actually unrolled their window and demanded her parking space and that she sit there until they were next in line to get it.

We saw something better an aisle over, and wanted to go over there, but the suburban only wanted to sit there and try and block everyone from going anywhere, unaware that I didn't want their parking space!

Eventually, they gave in, and we finally got parked. It only took an extra 15 minutes off of our time, too.

Bregon and I hit the ground running, and managed to make it to the ticket window at the movie theater without having to stop and field questions about the babies.

We had about three minutes to spare by the time it was all said and done. I gave Bregon popcorn money and told him to meet us in the auditorium.

We were very lucky that our handicapped seats weren't taken! We made it just in time, too.

I parked the limo and immediately started fielding questions about my tiny trio as I doled out animal crackers and juice to the babies.

Bregon made it back with the popcorn just as the lights went down. Luckily, I had thought to bring extra cups to dole the popcorn out with!

I hadn't any idea what to expect from the babies, but I was going off of the idea that they would be amused with the funny voices of the chipmunks.

As it turns out, my tiny trio acted better than the little kids sitting behind Bregon who were about 5 or 6 years old.

Kian laughed so hard that he purred during the kitchen scenes. I didn't have any tears from Vivienne at all.

No hair was pulled, nobody kicked anybody else, and everyone stayed happy for the most part.

Kiaden got a little restless towards the end, but he ended up sitting next to his brother in his own chair with a booster seat like a big boy and seemed content.

After the movie, I decided that I should check out the baby stores for pajama's because I never do seem to get down there unless we are going to a movie.

We made an interesting discovery with Kaiden. It would appear that he has this internal switch that goes off whenever we enter any store and pass the security panels by the doorway.

Once we get to that point in any store, he starts to wail inconsolably as if he has something seriously wrong with him.

Once we start to leave, and pass the same point, the wail magically disappears and he is suddenly calm and happy and complacent again.

It got to be a joke with Bregon and I, really. I am sure that others found us a bit odd, but it really was funny to watch Kaiden.

Bregon was wonderful about watching the kids while I ran through the baby stores in search of pajama's.

I must have spent $60 and ended up buying 12 pairs of pajama's in various sizes and 2 t-shirts for Bregon.

At least now, I am set for pajama's through next winter! Kaiden had obviously had more than enough of our outing (he hadn't taken much of his nap earlier, either) so we decided to head home.

As we unloaded everyone into the van, I noticed that we had quite a bit of popcorn trailing from various points of the babies clothing.

Apparently, they had squirled some away for later wherever they could. As I was sitting Vivienne in the van to wait her turn for her car seat, I noticed that a car was starting to back out of the space across from us.

This car apparently did not notice that my stroller was beside my van, and it was headed straight for it.

I had to leave Vivie before I was sure that she was standing (she tumbled into the very stuffed shopping bag.)

Kian was still in the stroller, and that car just did not see him. Luckily, I was able to get to the stroller before the car was completely out all the way.

This is one of those moments that I wish that there was some other way to get my children unloaded safely, but there just isn't any other option.

Even with the assembly line system that Bregon and I had been using, we still run the risk of someone possibly hitting our stroller (the cars on either side were parked very close to us and we couldn't get the doors open and the stroller into the same space, too.

We just were not having any luck with parking lots today! There was one nice thing that happened, though.

While I had the stroller on its side, trying to get all of the popcorn out of it, a man did come up and ask if I needed any help getting it folded up.

He was really super nice and found it funny that I was really not having trouble folding it rather, but I was having a time getting all of the popcorn out!

It was really nice to have someone actually offer to help me instead of trying mow us over! All in all we had a super nice afternoon, in spite of the parking lot troubles!


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