Monday, January 28, 2008

Vivie & Her "Linus" Phase

It starts. Maybe it started a little too soon, as I wasn't quite expecting this until my little people were a tad bit older.

Most kids like to classify themselves as, "Punk," "Goth," or even, "Emo."

Not my baby girl, not yet, anyways. Vivienne has officially entered her, "Linus" phase.

Yep, my one year old has officially joined in her first real fashion "Fad."

It happened yesterday, after her nap. Usually, when I get her up out of her bed, she is standing at the rail with Baby under one arm, waiting her turn.

This time, I noticed that she had yet to put down her blanket.

Nope, she held it closed tightly in her fist, with her thumb inserted firmly into her mouth and she was NOT BUDGING on the blankie issue.

I just shrugged it off and lifted her out of her bed as usual, taking extra care to tuck her fuzzy pink blankie up under my arm so that it wouldn't catch on the banister as we descended the stairs.

She was very regal as we left the nursery, too. She carefully posed in her prettiest fashion, elegantly allowing her part of the blankie to cascade across her arm...

I thought that somehow we would be able to get it away from her during pantie-changing.

Oh how wrong I was! She gracefully held tight to that tiny corner of the blankie, smiling with her best dimple forward from behind her fist as I changed her into a fresh pair of panties.

At this point, I was in a quandary. You see, all of my babies have the most fuzziest, shaggiest warm blankie ever, the shaggy part being the root of most of my fears.

If left to be dragged about the floor, it runs the risk of picking up all sorts of ickiness.

Bregon and I waited with baited breath to see if she would let any of us put it on the table for her during their lunch.

Of course she did not budge one inch. She sat there as we positioned baby in the usual spot as to be able to fit the tray precariously on the very edge of her feeding chair.

She just stared at us when it came time to deal with the rest of the bulk of the blanket left trailing out from under that tray.

She only let go of it once the blankie had been wrapped around her feet and tucked up underneath her.

Lunch is never gooey, but dinner almost always is to some extent. I needed a plan and soon!

Bregon tried desperately after lunch to get it away from her. He finally was found catering to his baby sister's every whim, too.

Even the 13 year old gave in. She had him making her little pallets on the sofa with one of the play pillows and her blankie.

The next thing I knew, he was searching for the camera to take pictures of Vivienne because she was just too sweet and adorable lying on the sofa with her baby and her blankie.

Eventually, Bregon was able to break out of the spell of cuteness cast by his baby sister and he found a way to convince her to let us wrap Baby up in the blankie to keep it from getting dragged everywhere.

This lasted a little while, but soon, Vivienne was up and back to trailing her blankie.

She very carefully walks with it, too. She is more careful than a fop parading with his cane, too.

She is just as adept with her blankie. She walks with it like a pro, keeping it to one side in pretty little cascading ripples as she waltzes across the floor with it out to one side of her.

You should see her with it on the stairs. Oh yes, she attempts to climb the stairs with nothing less than Baby (who is almost as large as she is) under one arm, and that blankie trailing from her other.

In order to get upstairs in remotely the same time frame as her brothers, I was forced to pick up the end of the blankie as if I was in attendance to a bride and tending to her train.

It's been a few days now, and that blankie still is accompanying her almost everywhere.

I say almost, because today after nap-time, she accidentally tossed it over the rail of the bed and it was left upstairs (lucky me!)

Tonight, I do not have to worry about what to do if mashed potato happens to find itself intertwined in the shag of the pretty pink blankie.

Tomorrow, however dear Scarlet, is another day! I wonder what the next phase shall bring?


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