Thursday, February 21, 2008

Playing Together

It's so cute. Right now, I am sitting in my room, listening to my boys playing together in the living room.

Bregon is playing the piano for his baby brothers and sister.

I would call it practicing, but he isn't really doing that because the song he is playing isn't from his school books.

In fact, he has taken to playing "Old Macdonald Had a Farm" for his baby brother, Kian.

It's the sweetest thing, because Bregon will play the first part, and then he will stop the music so that Kian can take over and sing his favorite part.

The funny part is, that it's really working. Bregon will stop, and Kian picks right up with the "EIEIEIEIEIEIO's" until he is ready to relinquish the song back to his big brother.

They are working together and it's absolutely adorable. I peeked down the hallway into the living room to watch them.

Kaiden is sitting on the edge of the piano bench, watching Bregon as he plays his part.

He is very observant and has taken to trying to play along, only a few octaves higher.

Oddly enough, Kai is getting most of the notes right as far as the melody is concerned.

Vivienne is sitting in the middle of the living room floor with Baby, quiety rocking her to sleep and singing softly.

I never realized that, in spite of the vast age difference, my children would all be able to get along and actually play together and have a good time.

Wow, this is seriously neat to watch!


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