Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My New Day

Okay, so now that I have several jobs to accomplish on top of the usual triplet raising, I have discovered that the way my day works has changed.

Yesterday, I re-learned my old job and got so carried away, I think I must have worked applications until about midnight.

During the afternoon, the boys were their usual selves, and practiced climbing the piano and dancing on the dining room table.

Then Kaiden discovered a new thing. Apparently, he had never noticed that the piano bench can be opened.

He basically opened himself up a Pandora's box of surprises which of course got him into a bit of trouble.

Kaiden now knows that sheet music is often kept inside the piano bench.

Kian decided that sheet music books make really neat tearing noises when the covers are removed!

I managed to intercept and salvage most of the sheet music, thankfully. Luckily, they had only gotten into the teaching books and had yet to get to my good stuff.

So, I found myself taking a break from working to put away all of the sheet music that had previously resided in the piano benches.

I gave the kids some pretzels and decided it might be safe to try working some more.

Just as I settled back into my spot and had logged back into the system, I looked up and out of the corner of my eye saw a little brown blur racing down the street.

It happened to be MY little brown blur that normally resides in the backyard where little doggies are SAFE from the outside world.

My silly doggie apparently had come to the aid of the neighbor's dog who had also gotten out in time to greet the mail carrier and get maced.

My silly doggie missed the mail carrier, but had managed to make a new friend of my neighbor accross the street who had decided to take pity on the silly doggie and kept her occupied long enough for me to get her safely back inside.

I took another break and helped my eldest son fill in all the holes around the fence until husband could get home to fix the electric fence that usually keeps the animals in check.

Then, it was time for dinner, so I went ahead and took a break for that as well.

It was while I was putting babies into their chairs that I noticed that Baby Vivienne was unusually warm.

Yep, she has managed to finally catch the crud that we have all been trading back and forth for the past few weeks. Poor Baby Vivienne.

But over all, I have learned that the best time for me to actually work is going to be during naptime and AFTER the children are asleep.

Don't get me wrong, I will casually work applications during the day, but I probably will not be able to go full speed until after the kids have gone to bed.

But, I know that it takes time to find the right rhythm and means to balance out all of my obligations.

I just have to remember to make sure that I slow down enough so that I can pace myself and keep my sanity somehow!


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