Friday, April 11, 2008

Fragments of My Day

I am supposed to be going to New Orleans at some point this weekend to attend my cousin's engagement party, so I have been trying to prepare.

I really did not know for certain if I would be able to go until late last night, so there is much to be done today.

We were all up at the crack of dawn this morning. I made my grocery list, remembered to wash clothes, and managed to get out of the door by 9a.m.

I somehow even remembered to take my father the rest of the tax information in all the fray.

The babies screamed while I was delivering the paperwork. Kai's off button was mysteriously triggered only when I shut my car door to leave. Hmm...

Then, as we strolled into Wal-mart to try and get a few groceries and things, his on button went off just as we crossed the alarm thresh hold that is meant to prevent stealing.

In our world, those things only make Kaiden cry for some reason. I do not know how he knows, but it appears that his on button goes off and the crying starts the second we pass those pillars.

He screamed nearly the entire way through Wal-mart. I think now half of Shreveport has heard him and knows exactly how much Kaiden HATES to shop.

He was soo mad, that he managed to toss a most beloved, light up sandal. A nice lady picked it up for us and put it into the basket of our stroller.

This gave Kian an idea (he and Vivie had been super quiet until then) and he decided to see what would happen if he put his shoe in his sister's ear.

She cried. She cried A LOT! Then, she snatched Kian's shoe off, and tossed it at some unsuspecting passerby, just so that they too could know how much they did not enjoy shopping.

Kaiden's off button went off the second the very nice cashier lady handed me that last receipt.

As we strolled towards the exit, the door lady had a good giggle because she had witnessed the beginning of the screaming when we first came into the store.

Kaiden was very loudly telling EVERYONE that he was going to the car. Boy was he happy!

Then we had to try and go to Burlington to find Bregon a suit for his piano recital. We pulled into a parking spot, only to find that the person parked next to us hadn't completely parked all the way.

This meant that that although my van was parked in the spot correctly, there really wasn't enough room for me to park the stroller and get the babies unloaded.

I improvised, but the owner of the car came running out of the store, yelling at me to get that stroller away from her car.

She accused me of hitting her car with it. The only part of the stroller (& it really wasn't a part of the stroller, it was just attached to it at the handlebar) that was touching her car was one of the stuffed monkey's that makes up the baby backpack leashes.

She then made a big show of having to get into her car to talk on her cellphone so that I could not finish unloading my kids.

I cannot believe how rude and awful this lady was being over the whole incident! There really wasn't anything I could do but keep trying to get the kids out and hope that the lady would go away.

Vivienne and Kai found her funny, thankfully, and laughed over the whole thing.

I somehow managed to get the stroller loaded, but not before Kian reached out and TOUCHED the lady's car. I thought she was going to blow a gasket or something!

I was very quick to head them towards the store. I have never jumped a curve in our limo so gracefully and fast!

Once inside the door, I thought Kai's internal shopping alarm would go off, but it didn't.

Maybe it was because I was giving everyone teddy grahams, I don't know for certain!

The crying did not start back up again until we were almost ready to leave and I had run out of cookies.

At least this time, Vivienne reached out to try and smooth his hair and make him feel better.

Then I noticed that she was pushing her sunshade down on top of him. At first, I thought that she was annoying him.

But, I soon noticed that he was actually laughing at this and trying to play peek-a-boo with this lady waiting on her lay-a-way.

The peace was soon much disturbed because the bathroom buzzer started going off and it is loud and scary sounding.

This made everyone cry in the stroller. Thankfully, it encouraged the checkout lady to speed up a bit, too!

We finally got home in one piece, but there were much tears shed over silliness this day!


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