Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby Thoughts

I learn so much from watching my little people. Today, we took my eldest to the doctor for his ADHD check-up.

Since we have been traveling as of late, I was a bad Mum, and hadn't yet reinstalled the car DVD player to date, so the babies has to settle for listening to music instead of their usual movies.

But, we found out that the soundtrack to "The Wicked" keeps them just as quiet and happy as one of their "Backyardigan" DVD'S.

Once inside, Kaiden started his wailing as is his usual habit when going anywhere he feels that he shouldn't.

Luckily, "Alvin & The Chipmunks" was playing on the monitor in the waiting area, so he was happy.

He got to watch one of his favorite movies AND it seemed to travel from monitor to monitor as it was nicely playing in the little examination room as well!

Once the nurse turned the volume down, though, Kaiden began to wail again.

I relented while Bregon went to have his lab work done, and let Kai out of the stroller in some attempt at keeping the peace.

He immediately climbed up onto the chairs so that he could see out of the window and watch the cars go by.

I didn't know he could count to four yet, but he can! He also knows several of his colors (even in English this time!)

Kian also insisted upon being set free, and immediately climbed up onto the chairs to join his brother in the window.

Kian showed me the birds, the bushes, a tree, and a guy! Usually he doesn't say that much all at once, who knew!

Vivienne eventually had to get out of the stroller as well, and immediately set about to emptying the stroller basket into the seats.

Then she set about trying to put everything into the trashcan after seeing me toss Bregon's band-aid...

Needless to say, I was able to stop her from throwing away the rest of her toys, sort of!

I was so proud of Bregon, even. For once, he had blood drawn and didn't even kick or punch the phlebotomist in reflex.

But, he did come back from the lab with a little post-it note that said, "Kick me, PLEASE!"

So, all in all, all of my babies are growing up and learning new things!


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