Monday, July 14, 2008

Husband Babysits!

This weekend, Bregon and I had another trip to Dallas while Husband stayed at home with my little people.

Poor, dear, brave husband faced a weekend of stripping babies with what appears to have been a severe case of insomnia to complement their new found talents.

For some reason, Vivienne and Kai both had problems sleeping all weekend long.

I have my own suspicions that Vivienne most likely woke Kai up to keep her company, but we will never know for certain!

Husband was awake most of Friday night with Vivienne. Saturday night, she insisted upon Kai keeping her company as well.

About four in the morning, they finally ran out of steam and ran to the baby gate asking to go, "Night-night!"

Kaiden was shaking the gate as is his custom when waiting for someone to come and open it so that he can go upstairs.

Vivie came running up behind him with her blankie screaming, "Yeah, baby" as if she had just finished watching an Austin Power's movie or something!

Saturday, after nap time, husband went upstairs and discovered that Kai had decided to let everyone know that he, too, has mastered the removal of all of his clothes and his diaper.

He thankfully was not dirty, however, he was quite gleefully enjoying his new found "Freedom" and was busy jumping up and down the length of his bed, leaving everything to the wind!

This behaviour tried poor husband's last nerve, and he decided that it would be a great idea to duct-tape the baby's diaper on him to prevent him from removing it anymore!

I know it sounds horrible, but we really have to do what we have to do as parents to try and keep our sanity!

Apparently the duct tape left a HUGE impression, because husband reported that as soon as Kai got up off of the sofa, he ran to his siblings jabbering away in tripletease, hands flailing about, motioning to the taped diaper and such!

Since the duct tape incident, NOBODY (knock on wood) has even tried removing any article of clothing!


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