Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How To Mortify One's Sister Without Really Trying

It finally happened, and it was a doozy, let me tell you!

Kian finally succeeded in mortifying his sister without really trying, and did it so well, that she was quite inconsolable for nearly an hour.

We've covered how Kian is voted most likely to potty train first, but this is a new one, even for him.

He was wearing his little overall outfit with the smocked dinosaurs on it. I thought it would be safe not to tape due to the snaps at the crotch aren't easily accessible.

I was very VERY WRONG, as it turns out. He knows exactly how to unsnap himself, and access his diaper.

In fact, he has such control of his faculties, that he had plenty of time to unsnap himself, remove his diaper, and cop a squat on the corner of the living room rug.

His diaper is spotless, the rug, sad to say, is not. I will be investing in some Resolve this evening!

Meanwhile, poor unsuspecting Baby Vivienne, in her pretty little dotted swiss pink dressie, decided to innocently sit down and watch television in the very same spot that Kian had managed his greatest feat to date.

So, sister not only stepped in it, she sat down right in front of it, nearly on top of it, actually.

She began to scream immediately. As it turns out, she despises being filthy, especially if it came from her brother's nether regions!

I found her sitting there on the floor, in tears, her brother Kian standing in front of her holding a diaper out, appearing to be asking for help.

Luckily, the mess was solid and didn't stick to anything but Vivie, so cleanup was a breeze, as soon as I was able to locate all of the stray pieces (some things just come out aerodynamically inclined to roll about!)

I set about to cleaning up poor Baby Vivienne next. The more I tried to clean her up, the more she cried.

In fact, she was outright bawling by the time I was done and it wasn't even her fault.

The entire time, we discussed how Kian needed to use the potty, and knew that he had to "Poo" and how and where such things are to be carried out.

I don't know if it left much of an impression, but we all four discussed it at length.

I finally got poor Baby Vivienne calmed down after an hour of crying and wailing.

Kian had his fresh diaper, and the satisfaction of having majorly mortified his sister without much effort.

Then Kai wandered up for his diaper as he had himself a rather nice poo as well and although he too is prone to diaper removal, did not feel compelled to join in the antics with his brother today.

For a split second I was worried that the inky black streaks across his face might be from the ick, but then I realized that he had been playing in the fireplace again, and had smeared soot on his face.

Lucky me, I now have three very clean, very sterilized babies and a nice freshly washed corner of the living room rug.


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