Reflections On The Idea Of Work
Work, work ,work, we know we must do it, but sometimes, just sometimes, the dichotomy of the situation astounds me.
I actually am one of those fortunate people to have a legitimate work-at-home job. Actually, I have two of them, plus a fledgling non-profit theater that I am working on reviving from the ashes.
I have been working one of the jobs for about a year and a half, the other will be a year come this February.
I do both at home so I can keep an eye on my tiny trio and keep them out of daycare which would be basically a huge health risk for them as well as a huge expense for my family.
But in the past two weeks, I have had several meetings with both of my jobs that make me really take a look at my situation.
Before, I worked for a company for six years, most of which was spent in some sort of leadership position.
I can't say that I enjoyed every aspect of the job itself, because I won't answer my telephone anymore if I don't have to as a result of that job.
But I did discover yesterday, how much I really miss having a place to go to and people to talk to each day.
It was nice getting to see everyone after all this time (it had been almost 3 1/2 years.)
I mean, I love being able to be here for my children and the perks of having something to keep my mind busy and functioning and all, but I realized that there really is more to working than just that.
It really had me thinking about why we work. There is the obvious reasons, to make money so we can live and have the things we want and need.
But then, there are the other aspects of it, too, such as having the means to exercise our knowledge and use our brain, for lack of a better way to put it.
Both of the meetings really have me thinking about it as of late, too. I know that I cannot possibly afford daycare, much less be able to find suitable daycare spots for all three of my kids together.
Then there is the problem that would come up once my kids started to get sick. They are more prone to catching things than anybody I have ever met, really.
And the problem is, that my children don't always get sick at the same time, sometimes it rotates and revolves.
Yep, if one gets sick, another won't come down with anything until the other one is better sometimes. Then there is always one more to add into the cycle at some point!
Then, if I am not careful, and it has happened, the cycle begins all over again with a new strain of the old problem.
I would run the risk of having to either find alternative daycare for them while they were sick, or stay home with them until they are better.
I doubt any employer would be that considerate of my situation if I ended up having to be out for weeks on end like that, and I wouldn't blame them at all.
I just don't know. For now, I work at home and the only contact I have with my coworkers is via company email.
Maybe when my children are old enough for actual school, I might be able to consider finding something outside of the home.
I actually am one of those fortunate people to have a legitimate work-at-home job. Actually, I have two of them, plus a fledgling non-profit theater that I am working on reviving from the ashes.
I have been working one of the jobs for about a year and a half, the other will be a year come this February.
I do both at home so I can keep an eye on my tiny trio and keep them out of daycare which would be basically a huge health risk for them as well as a huge expense for my family.
But in the past two weeks, I have had several meetings with both of my jobs that make me really take a look at my situation.
Before, I worked for a company for six years, most of which was spent in some sort of leadership position.
I can't say that I enjoyed every aspect of the job itself, because I won't answer my telephone anymore if I don't have to as a result of that job.
But I did discover yesterday, how much I really miss having a place to go to and people to talk to each day.
It was nice getting to see everyone after all this time (it had been almost 3 1/2 years.)
I mean, I love being able to be here for my children and the perks of having something to keep my mind busy and functioning and all, but I realized that there really is more to working than just that.
It really had me thinking about why we work. There is the obvious reasons, to make money so we can live and have the things we want and need.
But then, there are the other aspects of it, too, such as having the means to exercise our knowledge and use our brain, for lack of a better way to put it.
Both of the meetings really have me thinking about it as of late, too. I know that I cannot possibly afford daycare, much less be able to find suitable daycare spots for all three of my kids together.
Then there is the problem that would come up once my kids started to get sick. They are more prone to catching things than anybody I have ever met, really.
And the problem is, that my children don't always get sick at the same time, sometimes it rotates and revolves.
Yep, if one gets sick, another won't come down with anything until the other one is better sometimes. Then there is always one more to add into the cycle at some point!
Then, if I am not careful, and it has happened, the cycle begins all over again with a new strain of the old problem.
I would run the risk of having to either find alternative daycare for them while they were sick, or stay home with them until they are better.
I doubt any employer would be that considerate of my situation if I ended up having to be out for weeks on end like that, and I wouldn't blame them at all.
I just don't know. For now, I work at home and the only contact I have with my coworkers is via company email.
Maybe when my children are old enough for actual school, I might be able to consider finding something outside of the home.
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