4A.M. Fashion Emergency!
Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 04, 2011 at 07:27 AM
I was soo warm & cozy, all snug in my bed, when the screeching and crying of one Baby Vivienne came through the baby monitor.
Now, this doesn't happen too terribly often anymore...in fact, usually it's one of the boys that cries out in their sleep, but not THIS time.
It took me a second to wake up and stumble about to find my robe and actually get it on in the dark (so I could try and STAY warm!)
I bolted up the stairs, trying desperately not to fall DOWN them in my sleepiness and haste, threw open the bolt on the door, and managed after a moment of thought, to remember that the doorknob sticks and has to be pushed down upon if one wants the door to actually open...
And there she was...perched on the edge of her baby girl bed (all Fancy-Nancy-fied complete with tassels & top) in tears, holding something...
All she could do was try and convey through her tears that she NEEDED her hair fixed...that she couldn't do it herself...in between sobs & sniffles, I FINALLY figured out what she was trying to say...
To make a difficult translation short, her little barrette that she insists upon sleeping in to keep what would normally be considered her bangs (if her hair wasn't all one length that is) out of her eyes, had come loose while she slept, and when she woke up having to go potty, she freaked out because she couldn't get it back in...
Really, it has been quite decided, debated and finally concluded that I am THE ONLY PERSON within our household who can properly fix the Beautiful Baby Vivienne's hair in the first place as she has difficult hair that must be twisted before a barrette is able to hold it into place properly...
Remember Dorothy's twisted pigtails (Judy Garland's not Faruza Balk's) or the way Belle's hair is twisted back so that the wisps stay in her ponytail? Vivienne's hair must be twisted in that way before the barrette will listen, something that most people (as it turns out) just do not understand or think to do to one's hair...try it, you may be surprised at the change in the way your baby girl's hair obeys!!!plus tis pretty too!!
But back to us at 4A.M. all sleepy, confused, and trying to resolve the Beautiful Baby Vivienne's fashion emergency...I did finally manage to wake up and get coordinated enough to get that barrette back into her hair somehow...
As it turns out, she really just needed to go potty, but had become INFURIATED that her pretty sparkly heart barrette that Santa brought her just did NOT want to sleep in her hair properly...she felt betrayed by it, thus her tears and frustration & forgetting that she had to go potty 'til reminded by the likes of ME!!!
All's well that end's well (to quote a certain poetic Bard) and once beautifully restored to it's rightful place, that barrette allowed her the peace of mind to remember to go potty, and she climbed regally back into her fancy bed, asleep before her little beautiful head hit her purple unicorn pillow pet!
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