Friday, October 14, 2011

Single Moms Bad For Society? Who Are We To Judge?

Posted by Vulnadia on Feb 17, 2011 at 04:20 PM Somebody actually went to the trouble of doing a survey (who knows as to the validity of the factors used to determine the outcome) but they did it, and it supposedly claims that most find single moms are bad for society. SERIOUSLY? Are they kidding? Who are we to judge in this day and age? The same survey included same gender relationships & families too, is the odd part... I really thought we as a society had come further than this, what about you? I mean, aren't there far more bigger fish to fry in the area of what is wrong with society today than a single mother trying to do her best for her kids and herself? I mean, really, those who make up the single mother demographic cover a broad range of types of mothers-not just unwed teen mothers, but the divorced, the widowed, the abused, and then those who are quite single by choice and every last one of them has their reasons for being in that it really anybody else's business than their own? Is society really truly affected as a whole by these choices when it comes down to it? What do you think? I think single moms actually on the whole give their children a positive message about life. These ladies are strong self-sufficient people out there on their own doing the best they can for themselves and their children and many MANY of them have set quite a high precedent for those to come. What about you, do you agree or disagree with this survey & its findings? ARTICLE


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