What Do SAHM's Actually DO All Day?
Posted by Vulnadia on Feb 21, 2011 at 02:53 PM
Oh my, can this woman be serious? I know, I know, this is under the job club header- & it is NOT misposted, either!
Why would that be? Because even though I stay at home & have since I went on mandatory bedrest at 5months gestation, I still WORK and work HARD!
I work from home, I stay at home with my kids (well now that includes school with my trio since they've turned 4) and I still have 3 jobs to work out of the home with in addition to my "Home" work that is household based (the housework & general mom of the house duties that are 24/7)!!!!
In fact, I often yearn for an office to go to where I can work in peace, without worry, with adults...but alas, I chose to stay at home with my triplets...or rather they made it quite impossible & improbable that I would ever work out of an office again for at least a while!
But I wouldn't change being at home with them for the world, even though I have my moments!
I have 2 real paying work at home jobs that do not involve the selling of ANYTHING...I am very fortunate. I also run a non-profit theater and it's seasonal fundraiser haunted attraction which I write & produce each year myself.
This is on top of thrice the school duties Moms of 4yr olds have-three times the snackdays every 17 days, three times the storytime duty, three times the game playing duty, the field trips that I must chaperone (I've one child with sensory disorders that cannot go unattended & I cannot trust another to do the job at this stage-he even got seperated from us at the first one and I was there! long story there)
So how oh how can they ask what stay at home moms do all day? I mean, I spent my summer in the bathroom...with all 3 of my potty training kids...it was AWFUL- and there were many a day when I took the laptop in with me so I could write, and work orders for my other job and function while they sat there gleefully learning to be big-kids....
Sure we go to the park, and do other stay at home mom type activities, but I must also find time & ways to keep up with my jobs at the same time!!!
Have you ever tried grocery shopping with triplets? It's an experience in society, that's for certain and I'm not talking about the effects of my kids on the store but rather the reactions & things said & done when we are sighted that are the kickers, the time delays, the forgetfullness that comes from the shock of what some people will say & do in front of my kids....
But what do we do all day? WE WORK!!! We don't have an office to escape to full of adult conversations & free of toys to step on & kid programming blaring in the background...
What do you think? Do you as a Mom ever wonder what it's like on the other side? Both Moms have their merit, both are doing what is best for their families, but seriously? I work too!!! I just do it from my home!!!
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