Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sometimes Babies Do The Strangest Things!

Sometimes children do the strangest things. You know what I mean. I bet you know of some silly stories about your own kids, or grandkids, or even the neighbor’s kids. Some are funny, some are downright frightening, and some are definitely sharing penalties, but we share them all just the same. After all, what would the world be like without silly children stories?

Right now, my kids have this bouncing zebra that spins when you sit on it. The #2 son, the eldest of my triplets, but the smaller of the two boys, has a nasty habit of climbing the corners of the play-yard in an attempt to try and use one of my end tables as a race-track for his car collection.

We have tried everything we can to stop him from doing this, yet he keeps on climbing. Even falling over the edge hasn’t deterred him from his habits. One day, he had climbed up and was balancing on his hips, playing with his car on the end table, feet happily kicking in the air behind him, when my husband told him “No” and to “Get down!”

Kai just laughed at him maniacally, and pushed off of the table, and landed himself on the bounce & spin zebra somehow in the saddle of it, and started bouncing and spinning and laughing, all in one motion.

All three of the babies have little games they play in their beds either right before they go to sleep or in the morning just after they get up. Some days I will go in and find that Vivie has put all of her babies “Night-night” by covering them all up in some way or another-some are covered with blankets, some with cloth diapers, and one dollie is usually covered with the pinafore of her dress pulled up over her head!

The boys have this nursery game where they like to take all of the toys and blankets in their bed and toss them to this one center point of the nursery. I often times find all of their bed-stuff in the center of the room in this mound. The odd thing is that their beds are all on different walls, so they have to work at hitting the same point!

Then there was the night that we went in to give Vivie a midnight snack (we all get rumbly tummies in the middle of the night every now and then!) and found Kai’s bed empty, save for only Kai and his Mickey Mouse doll. He had put Mickey to sleep right next to him in bed on his tummy with his rear up in the air and his hands under his head just like he liked to sleep. Then Kai had proceeded to fall asleep right next to Mickey in the exact same position!

Then there is the way that my trio calls for their brother. Sometimes it’s by his actual name, “Bregon,” other times it’s by some other means. Vive likes to call him “Eggie,” Kai and Kian sometimes call him “Uggah, Eggan,” or “Brubby” because they couldn’t say brother and the names just sort of stuck.

There was this one feeding-time when my husband put Vivie down because she had refused her bottle and her brother was hungry and sad about it. Much to our surprise, she gasped and said, “Bad Daddy!”

Now we find ourselves having tiny, meaningful conversations with our trio. Vivie will dutifully point to your nose and ask, “What’s that?” If you answer correctly, she will reward you with either a “Meep” (beep) or a “Awnk” (honk) and giggle hysterically at her little joke.

Kian’s latest silly habit is something a bit more peculiar. I am not sure when he picked this one up, or rather where, as none of us remember letting him watch “The Godfather.”

If one of his siblings makes him mad, he will grab them by the head with both hands on either side, and give them this HUGE open mouthed kiss on their forehead with a huge smacking sound (more of a “M-mah” noise really’) just before he pushes them away with both hands as hard as he can.

How exactly does one explain to a 15 month old that he isn’t really making things better by kissing his siblings prior to hurting them, even if they did take your favorite toy away from you even though we all know that Kian had it first?

Babies can be so very funny sometimes! What did we used to talk about before we had children? I know it must have been something, but apparently it wasn’t near as interesting!


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