Thursday, July 5, 2007

Power-Pramming Anyone?

In England, the latest rage for new mummies is called “Power-Pramming.” You are probably wondering exactly what “Power-Pramming” really is. Officially, it is the act of power perambulating.

Unofficially, or loosely translated for those not accustomed to the English, it is the act of using one’s baby/babies and the equipment that comes along with having them (strollers, blankets & even diaper bags) as a means of exercise, theoretically to lose the weight gained during pregnancy.

Mumsies all across the United Kingdom have started meeting at their local neighborhood parks to participate in official “Power-Pramming” sessions. It consists of the main workout where the mums either power walk or jog behind their strollers, ending with a nice exercise session in front of and often times incorporating their babies.

According to the official “Power-Pramming” website, they do exercises that work their legs, tummy, shoulders, arms and bum. Afterwards, the mumsies usually all head off to have a drink and get some lunch. The sessions usually last about an hour, and happen regardless of the weather.

When my triplet stroller first arrived, I was so very excited at the prospect of finally being able to easily take my trio on outings without having to figure out how to stash the car seats in buggy’s and still have room for the groceries. Until then, trips to places that didn’t have shopping carts had been pretty much out of the question.

I couldn’t get to the park fast enough (I live about three blocks away from Betty Virginia Park.) I had high hopes of finding a group of mumsies here that would be game for a bit of power-pramming. Sadly, those mumsies just don’t seem to be there.

Now that school is out, my son and I do try and walk to the park if the weather permits, at least once a week, more if we can squeeze it in. The walk isn't an easy one as there are these hills that make pushing our pram up them rather difficult, but between my son and I, we manage pretty well. We usually use the park outing as our motivation for those pesky up-hill pushes. We seem to be the only people there with strollers, though.

Lately, because of the rain, we have taken to trying to find different places to go where I can still walk fast enough to justify it as “Power Pramming” but not bother the general public with it! Because the stroller is so very heavy, and the babies now weigh almost 60 pounds collectively, it doesn’t take much to feel like I am getting a good workout even if I am only doing the grocery shopping! I suppose that any time I take my stroller for a spin it counts as power-pramming!

I think shopping at Sam’s is about the toughest workout that I have found, with their super sized shopping carts and the buying in bulk. It’s easy for the shopping cart to quickly out-weigh the stroller there after filling it with a case of IBC, a case of capri-sun, and the various sundry other heavy bulk items!

I know it may sound a bit peculiar, but I really can feel the workout most days! Going anywhere with the triplet stroller automatically guarantees that I would have to pick it up at least twice (once to load the car, once to unload it) and if we actually do get it out at a store we can add at least two more stroller lifts to the repetition! That stroller weighs a good 40 pounds by itself.

Then you have to take into account having to push it. It weighs right at 100 pounds loaded with the babies only. Then I have to add in the weight of our triple-stocked diaper bag, the usual two smaller blue insulated bags full of 6 sippy cups of milk and or juice, and the various sundry variety of toys that the babies have attached themselves to for that particular day that usually ride in the net stroller bag attached to the back of the stroller.

Just pushing that load alone is quite a work-out! Usually, when grocery shopping, I find myself pushing the stroller, and pulling the grocery cart full of groceries. I wonder exactly what parts I am working when I am shopping.

It feels like I am getting a full “Power Pramming” work-out most days, but I cannot be certain as we apparently do not have any certified “Power Pramming” programs locally. It would be lovely if a program would surface locally.

I would love to be able to go to our neighborhood park and meet with other mums and pram together. The official program is completely baby friendly and understanding of mums who must drop back a bit to sooth a fussy baby or give them a quick snack. They are even breastfeeding friendly, which is quite the rarity in this day and age. Yes, one can actually be certified to run "Power-Pramming" sessions.

The “Power-Pramming” program really does sound like an excellent idea. Theoretically, it appears to provide new mums with a friendly way to lose that pesky baby-weight gained during pregnancy in a mum-friendly environment. It seems like it would give new mums an opportunity to meet other mums like themselves and give the children instant play-date opportunities as well. Maybe we should get together and “Power-Pram” together!


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