Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dining Dilemma Round 2

It's really funny. My kids appear to be eating less at meals now than they did a few months ago. Used to, they would eat a plate of food that would feed the average person, portion-wise.

Now, I am lucky if they eat much of anything at all. I don't think it's the food. They even sometimes pick out what it is that they want for dinner or even lunch.

Odder still, it seems to be different for every meal. Each day brings something new. Yesterday, macaroni and cheese and hot dogs were the way to go.

Today, they may toss those beloved hot dogs clear across the floor into the living room. Then there is Kai.

Kai who would like to try new foods, but will cry if you do not include the usual fare along with the new stuff.

He acts as if you are causing him a serious injustice by trying to feed him ham for lunch instead of the usual chicken tenders.

Don't misunderstand him, though. It's not that he doesn't like ham, it's just that he feels that ham is a DINNER food and not suitable for lunchtime devourment.

Now ham is acceptable when served alongside chicken tenders for lunch, according to Kai. Just don't try and give him ham all by itself for lunch. That really upsets him to no end.

Have you any idea how messy meals can get now a days at my house? Instead of letting us know that they are "All done" (a phrase each of my toddlers knows and understands and can say clearly,) they often choose the easier, much more entertaining method of alerting us.

When they are full, my babies tend to grab handfuls of whatever is left on their trays and toss it well, where-ever.

Sometimes Kian will toss his bits over handed and towards the sofa. He also has a rather nasty habit of wearing much of his meal.

Vivie has a habit of just picking up her pieces and throwing them over her shoulder to land where it may. At least she is very dainty in her method, keeping her little finger curled and up as if she is taking tea while using her thumb and index finger to very gingerly select and carefully launch her next missile.

Kai will do one of several things with his left-overs. He likes to swipe his tray clean by wiping all of his food into his lap sometimes.

Other times, Kai will carefully and meticulously slide chosen pieces over the front edge of his tray as if you can't possibly see what it is he is doing (he is very smooth!)

Then there is the "I'm done get me out of here NOW" toss that involves a circular tossing motion that results in the most fallout. In fact, he has managed to pepper his sibling's hair before even though their chairs are kept apart for obvious reasons (pilfering sibling's food is only one of them!)

At first, I thought that there was something wrong with the food I was giving them. Why else would they be tossing it around instead of eating it?

Then, they just stopped eating anything that they weren't feeding themselves by hand. I could no longer feed them from a spoon assembly line style. This was their way of saying that they weren't babies anymore!

After we moved and had a reliable fridge, I no longer faulted the food. I KNEW nothing icky was sliding by my eagle eye! I had really worried that I might have accidentally given them something that wasn't quite as fresh as it should have been...

We also went through a phase where we thought it was because the babies wanted to eat with tiny plastic utensils instead of their fingers. As it turns out, the colored spoons and forks ended up getting tossed as much as the food bits!

Then I thought that maybe they were tired of the food that I was giving them. Instead of the ham that they had insisted on eating every dinner for over a month, I tried buying them a bit of turkey breast.

Kai still resents the change to turkey breast. So much so, that he refused to let a morsel pass his lips regardless of how much he seemed to like it at that first dinner.

I tried buying bigger chicken strips and changing to another brand (they had only preferred this one type at first.) Kian let us know that, "It's dry" which was quickly followed by all three babies looking up at us and coughing as if they were eating sand, and that was the end of that.

I did discover that they adore Smart One's Lasagna Florentine...but only when I am eating it! They also adore green bean casserole...if it's off of Daddy's plate, served with HIS fork only.

Sillier still, if I don't have Kai's lunch ready for him when I bring him down from his nap, he will run into the dining room to check out his chair, and actually cry and go into hysterics.

Now, I do understand that he is most likely seriously hungry as nap time comes in between snack time and lunch, but he makes me feel as if I am slighting him somehow.

I am trying to find the humor in all of this, but it's really difficult. I know that Kai is barely on the weight chart for his age and size. Kian is so much bigger than his siblings that everyone thinks that he is older. Vivie is just, well, unusually small.

The doctor says just keep feeding Kai more food when he is finished with his normal portions. I really can't figure out for the life of me how that's supposed to work if all he is going to do is toss it at one of us when he decides that he is done.

I have even tried the baby buffet. This entails letting them up out of their chairs and replacing their trays, food available for grazing, and seeing if they will stop by for a snack after they get over being "Done" with just sitting there.

I really do not know what to try any more. I even tried giving them jello-it made Kai cry and all Kian and Vivie did was make faces at it when I tried to feed it to them.

Basically, I spend a LOT of time sweeping, swiffer-vac-ing and swiffer-mopping. I do this after EVERY meal.

It's not just the immediate feeding chair area, either. I usually have to do the entire dining room and part of our living room, too. I even have to watch the hallway to make sure that nothing flies down it, too!

I know that they will not let themselves starve (at least according to the doctor and everything that I have read about picky eater toddlers,) but I feel as if there is something more that I could do. I just wish I knew what that was!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same concerns with my 13 mo old son. He suddenly does not like anything unless it comes from your plate. He will eat goldfish and teddy grahams all day but nothing else unless he sees it coming from your plate. This all started within the last 4-5 days. When we went for his one year check-up the Dr. did say his appetite would greatly reduce and to only expect a 3-4 lb weight gain over the next year. I can imagine your concern with yours being so small. I wonder if it some type of rebellion over getting rid of his bottles. He gets mad when we give him his milk in a sippy. He loves water in them but thinks it isn't right if it has milk.
I can tell you my girl that is 10 was an extremely picky eater and we sometimes wondered how she survived on the small amount of food she ate but she is fine and is our healthiest she hardly ever gets sick. She still doesn't eat much.
Good luck with the eating. Don't you wish you could take stock in the products we go through to clean up after our children. I think about that every time I use a swiffer or wipes. I can only imagine how many you use.

September 24, 2007 at 6:50 AM  
Blogger Nonna Joann said...

You’ve been “triple” blessed!!!

It's not uncommon for toddlers to eat less after their rapid growth that takes place during the first year. A toddler's serving size is only two to three tablespoons or one ounce of meat. That's pretty small.

Don't fill your toddlers up with unhealthy snacking. Think of a snack as a mini-meal. That way when your toddlers refuse to eat much at meals, you know that they have consumed healthy foods earlier during the day. If you keep snacks to a minimum -- at least an hour and a half before eating -- your toddlers will be hungry during meals and more willing to try new foods.

In my book, “Transforming a Picky Eater into a Healthy Eater,” you’ll find all kinds of helpful information about nutrition, preparing meals, and fun activities for kids as well as the Baby Bite Steps which transform a picky eater into a healthy eater.
Check out my website at www (dot) babybites (dot) info

Green food is yummy!
Nonna Joann Bruso

September 24, 2007 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger Mimi Rankin Webb said...

thanks for the suggestions & support!
i think we should all buy stock in swiffer & whoever makes clorox wipes!!!! i know i go thru loads of supplies from each company!!
i dont know what i would do w/out my swiffers though!
its funny, most days the kids will eat their veggies w/out any problems! thanks again!

September 24, 2007 at 11:22 AM  

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