Yet, Another Doctor's Appointment For My Eldest
Okay, so we've tried it solo, without any medication and without any doctor's guidance.
It just isn't working out for us at all, and I do not think that it ever really was.
So, I broke down and have gone ahead and called the pediatrician today.
I went on and made an appointment for tuesday after school under the guise of "ADHD."
I really do not know what else to tell them, really. How exactly does one explain to the receptionist that your child was supposedly re-evaluated by the clinic where the doctor that you were referred to practices, and were found "Not eligible for services at this time?"
We never received any sort of diagnosis other than the one that we went in with.
This is the exact same one that had been found wanting by our referring pediatrician and hence the very reason she was wanting this other doctor's opinion as well.
I just do not know how I am going to explain to her that the other doctor never wanted to question or investigate any other diagnosis than the initial one.
I almost feel stupid for some reason. Usually, when one goes to the doctor, one is armed with symptoms and some idea of where to start.
After our experience at this clinic and being told by its clinical manager that my son has symptoms of ADHD, but that he find him to have symptoms of something else instead and that the doctor will be talking to us more in detail about this, and then the doctor NEVER seeing or talking to us again, I just do not know what to think about the situation.
The only response we received from my repeated messages left for the doctor to call me about the problems we were having with the medicine, was a letter saying that we no longer could be helped by this particular clinic.
So, what's a Mum to do? I have been researching symptoms in some attempt to be able to explain to our pediatrician what the other doctor would not/did not tell us.
I am trying to paint a picture of what actually is going on, but without a starting point, it is difficult.
What if I am no where near the right place in looking? I decided to use the bi-polar, mood disorder and depression as starting points for symptoms that other Mums on the boards had been talking about as sometimes sharing symptoms of ADHD.
My son has some symptoms on those lists, some seem like they describe him, some just don't.
I do not even know if I am headed in the right direction symptom-wise, even.
I have had him off of the medication for about a month, month and a half now , and have been taking notes as to his behavior that is the same as when he is on the medication as opposed to being off of the medication.
I have listed the behaviors that seems AMPLIFIED by the medication as well as the behaviours that the medication appears to cause which weren't present in the first place.
I now have lists upon lists of symptoms and am trying to narrow it down to make it make more sense, if even just to me.
I really feel lost, somehow. I know that I am my child's best advocate, but I am starting to feel like I don't have any perspective on what's going on anymore.
I do not have words to define it. I guess what I lack is DIAGNOSIS! I wonder if I am just not forward enough to be able to make one myself, which is basically what a Mum seems to have to do to get anywhere anymore, which is SCARY!!!!
So, I guess I now have at least some place to start when we go in on Tuesday, I just am not too certain about it, though. Wish us luck!
It just isn't working out for us at all, and I do not think that it ever really was.
So, I broke down and have gone ahead and called the pediatrician today.
I went on and made an appointment for tuesday after school under the guise of "ADHD."
I really do not know what else to tell them, really. How exactly does one explain to the receptionist that your child was supposedly re-evaluated by the clinic where the doctor that you were referred to practices, and were found "Not eligible for services at this time?"
We never received any sort of diagnosis other than the one that we went in with.
This is the exact same one that had been found wanting by our referring pediatrician and hence the very reason she was wanting this other doctor's opinion as well.
I just do not know how I am going to explain to her that the other doctor never wanted to question or investigate any other diagnosis than the initial one.
I almost feel stupid for some reason. Usually, when one goes to the doctor, one is armed with symptoms and some idea of where to start.
After our experience at this clinic and being told by its clinical manager that my son has symptoms of ADHD, but that he find him to have symptoms of something else instead and that the doctor will be talking to us more in detail about this, and then the doctor NEVER seeing or talking to us again, I just do not know what to think about the situation.
The only response we received from my repeated messages left for the doctor to call me about the problems we were having with the medicine, was a letter saying that we no longer could be helped by this particular clinic.
So, what's a Mum to do? I have been researching symptoms in some attempt to be able to explain to our pediatrician what the other doctor would not/did not tell us.
I am trying to paint a picture of what actually is going on, but without a starting point, it is difficult.
What if I am no where near the right place in looking? I decided to use the bi-polar, mood disorder and depression as starting points for symptoms that other Mums on the boards had been talking about as sometimes sharing symptoms of ADHD.
My son has some symptoms on those lists, some seem like they describe him, some just don't.
I do not even know if I am headed in the right direction symptom-wise, even.
I have had him off of the medication for about a month, month and a half now , and have been taking notes as to his behavior that is the same as when he is on the medication as opposed to being off of the medication.
I have listed the behaviors that seems AMPLIFIED by the medication as well as the behaviours that the medication appears to cause which weren't present in the first place.
I now have lists upon lists of symptoms and am trying to narrow it down to make it make more sense, if even just to me.
I really feel lost, somehow. I know that I am my child's best advocate, but I am starting to feel like I don't have any perspective on what's going on anymore.
I do not have words to define it. I guess what I lack is DIAGNOSIS! I wonder if I am just not forward enough to be able to make one myself, which is basically what a Mum seems to have to do to get anywhere anymore, which is SCARY!!!!
So, I guess I now have at least some place to start when we go in on Tuesday, I just am not too certain about it, though. Wish us luck!
I feel so bad for you. It seems you are trying so hard to get the help your son desperately needs, but nobody is helping. I'm going through a similiar situation with my son who we think may have a mild form of autism. His pediatrician referred us to someone else, but they don't want to label him. Sometimes I just want to scream someone tell me something so I can help my child. Have you checked into any federally funded programs that may be able to evaluate him. I am trying to get my son into early steps, I believe it is for kids under three, but there may be something for older kids too. I so hope you get the help you need it is so frustrating.
you should be able to call early steps & do an pre-eval over the phone...we did when the trips were born-but we didnt have any probs at the time...
right now, i need a diagnosis to go off of before i can do anything really- i dont even have a real place to start other than guessing-am going to ask the doc about that on tuesday(fed programs)-
to make matters worse, i ran into that doctor at the grocery store yesterday & he was all sorts of hi & friendly- i am wondering if he even knows what happened really-i didnt know what to say to him either- it was weird- & i will see him at school functions for my son, too- if i volunteer for anything too- ack-
good luck on getting your diagnosis- did they look at apsbergers? that sometimes goes along with autism-or is basically mild autism... a friend of mine's daughter has it but you would never really know it-
good luck
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