Monday, March 17, 2008

Can You Hear Me Now?

My daughter is taking the art of pretend play to a new level at my house.

Lately, she loves to talk on her pretend telephones. Sometimes she just gabs away in tripletese.

Other times, she will talk where those around her can understand what is being said.

Because of her penchant for the telephone, my kids have a wide variety of toy cell phones.

I even dug out my old wooden Fisher Price rolling Telephone with the rotary dial and moving eyes for the kids to play with.

For some reason or another, my daughter feels compelled to improvise whenever she has an immediate need for a telephone.

She will just use anything that remotely resembles a phone, cellular or otherwise.

Vivienne has been seen talking on the remote control to the television, talking on a stuffed banana from her picnic set, and even using a wooden spoon from her kitchenette.

Today's improvisation takes the cake, though. It came early this morning, as we were preparing for our 2 year check-up at the doctor's office.

I heard her say, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" She was getting super loud, too, so it really caught my attention.

Otherwise, I may have missed the whole incident! I looked over, only to find that she was NOT using any of her makeshift usual telephones for this call.

Nope, she was using a Mr. Potato Head arm this go-round. She had the knobby part in her ear, and was using the cup of the hand as the mouthpiece.

Today, Vivienne has given the phrase, "Talk to the hand" a whole new meaning!


Blogger Adamsmom said...

Oh my goodness that is too funny!
My son does exactly the same thing, it seems he actually prefers the makeshift phones to the real ones.

March 17, 2008 at 5:11 PM  
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March 19, 2008 at 11:17 AM  

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