Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reruns CAN Be Fun...

Okay, ladies, if you were in line at noon for Rerunsrfun, you probably saw us out there today.

I had a master plan, unfortunately it didn't quite involve anything nap-related.

The babies got up a tad late, and had their breakfast, and would have just stayed up were it not for Kai crashing & rolling his trike somehow.

He is alright, save for this bee-sting shaped bump on his right temple, and a bruised ego.

But, the incident made them realize that it was ten and nap time, so they all three ran for the baby gate in the hallway, expecting to go upstairs.

I calmed Kaiden, and let them go on upstairs. It's so cute, each of them sing their "Upstairs Feet" song on the way up and wave night-night to the picture of my grandfather and I as they pass it.

They had about 45 minutes to power nap. Only Vivienne tried taking advantage of her time, however.

I ran up about a quarter 'til eleven and got everyone dressed and ready to go.

Somehow, the car was magically loaded up and we pulled out of the driveway on time.

I made my rounds to the bank for a spot of money, Wendy's for some chicken nuggets for baby lunch, and ran by my father's house to pick up a case of diapers.

Then I made a startling discovery. Little boys obsessed with cars find the interstate to be more fun than an amusement park!

I had all sorts of happy baby noises coming from my backseat. There were even squeals and squeaks to go along with all the giggles interspersed with the phrase, "Look! A CAR!"

We made it to the parking lot of the sale with fifteen minutes to spare, only to find a very long line had already formed around the building.

Since I don't do lines, I decided to divvy up the babies lunch and put it into the spare sippy cups so that they could eat in the limo.

By the time I sectioned and doled out lunch, and loaded everyone and everything into the limo, it was high noon, and that line had started to move inside!

We strolled right up to the front door as the last of the line filtered through. We even made sure to get our limo tagged because you JUST never know!

Since we weren't looking for anything in particular, we headed for the toys first. All of the outdoor gym sort of equipment had sold, so we started browsing the real toys.

I managed to pick up a wooden train set to supplement our birthday train table, a Little People construction set (a small version of the mondo one the boys will be getting for Christmas-it was Bregon's when he was little,) and a Mega Blocks Fire Truck.

I looked pretty silly trying to push the limo and carry all of that since the Fire Truck is almost as big as a ride-on.

The ladies took pity on us, and let me check my purchases to make life a bit easier, something for which I was very grateful!

There was only one small problem. Kaiden, who had bonded with that Mega Fire Truck almost instantly, felt like the ladies were taking his truck away so that he would never see it again...

This made him very sad, and since he is very expressive, he felt that he needed to let EVERYBODY know about his tragedy.

He began to cry, as loudly as he can (which really isn't all that loud,) but it got everyone's attention.

When that felt like it wasn't enough, he started tossing his sippy cup at people so that he could meet them, and spread his story via wailing at them.

He quickly resorted to taking off his shoes, one at a time, and hurling them as well after his cups both were confiscated by the evil Mumsy who allowed such tragedy and separation to occur.

I really do not know how he did it, but he managed to scream nearly the entire hour we were inside the shop.

He stopped only once we were at the doorway and the lady brought him his wondrous fire truck.

I put it on his tray (he rides in front) thinking that he would hold it while I rolled us to the car.

He was too exhausted from screaming to hold his beloved fire truck (that or it was just too big) and he dropped it.

So, I had to basically balance everything all sorts of funny ways, and put a few things under my arm to try and get to the car.

In the parking lot, we said a quick, "Hello" to our fellow triplet set & their Mum, Michelle.

I really do wish we could have stopped to talk, but I was busy trying to navigate around traffic and NOT drop my purchases, so a quick "Hi" was all I could muster.

It was funny, though. There we both were, triplet Mums, each of us disassembling our limo's in the parking lot so that we can get them into our respective vans.

Ah well, over all it was a successful trip. I managed to find Vivienne some nicer play clothes to go with her dressy wardrobe for summer.

I found the much needed train set and even a little people set to supplement the birthday present pile that spans the length of my bedroom currently!

I love these consignment sales. We always do so very well at them. Unfortunately, my kids almost always are crying for some reason or another!

Currently, the wronged Kai is upstairs, asleep in his crib, safe in the thought that his much loved fire truck is safely downstairs waiting for him when he wakes up.

For the moment, everything is even quiet!


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