Friday, October 14, 2011

My Little People Are Clean!

My little people are clean for the moment! I probably speak much too soon, and shouldn't have mentioned anything at all, really! But I feel so very accomplished at the moment over having managed to get them all bathed without incident. The most awful thing that happened was that Kai managed to slip a few pennies from the pocket-change container into the slot in the front of the dryer-door. But I can now confirm for those who may have been wondering, that it is Kian who is the culprit in turning the bath water grey! He just cannot seem to keep out of the fire place or off of the hearth, so he is almost always sporting some soot somewhere on his baby boy body. No matter how much you brush him off, no matter how diligent I try to be, he seems to always find a way to crawl up on and sometimes in the fire place. Today, I managed to find no less than a petrified macaroni noodle (somehow overlooked after dinner last night) and what appeared to be a corn flake of sorts stuck in his hair. He has a LOT of hair,'s nice and thick and bushy and pretty...until you start finding stuff in it, that is! Don't worry, I managed to remove all foreign objects from his hair with little or no tears. But Kian has earned the nickname, "Pig-pen" after today's bath! Then there is poor Beautiful Baby Vivienne, who must have her hair conditioned before you shampoo it just to get all the knots out of it and make shampooing bearable for her. She gets soo many knots in her hair because she insists upon using Princess Piggie Pillow as her ONLY pillow that she will allow her head to rest upon at night. She is very insistent and that is a hard habit to break. Princess Piggy Pillow is plush, and not very good for fine Beautiful Baby Vivienne hair in the least! But she was very stoic this morning and let me do everything that I needed to do in order to ensure that her beautiful baby girl tresses were clean, smelly-good and knot-free. As a reward, I was allowed to adorn her hair with two pea-green barrettes to keep her bangs that are growing out from getting in her eyes. For the moment, everyone is clean and shiny and smelly-good. Gee I hope I didn't speak too soon!


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