Friday, October 14, 2011

What Are Your Kids Reading?

Posted by Vulnadia on Nov 16, 2010 at 11:08 AM My 4yr olds have reading each night as part of their homework (to be read TO not for them to do the actual reading!) We actually started them on library books last spring as part of their bedtime ritual. My daughter LOVE LOVE LOVES Fancy Nancy (she is the real-life incarnation if one could be found of her!) and Eloise (though she finds Eloise naughty & often BAD!) Kaiden loves his Curious George and anything having to do with Thomas the Train or any train for that matter... Kian loves his Pirate Papa book (which we all love soo much we had to acquire our own copy!) and currently has a gingerbread pirate book that we will be finding soon to add to our own personal library. He also loves his Franklin books & Clifford as well. So, what are your kids reading? Which characters & books do THEY prefer? Which ones do you like to read to them? I was raised with my Aunt's Eloise doll (she still resides on our living room shelf in her always spot actually) and she has been an integral part of all of our lives over the years (several generations!!!) My eldest loved his George books as well as his Clifford, and major life events have been marked with the advent of the newest Harry Potter installments since he was a little guy and they first started publishing them... In fact, we had the whole "The new Harry Potter comes out Friday, I wonder what will happen" talk this morning...we are hoping that all it will herald is his sweet 16 birthday which is Monday, but we had a bittersweet talk about how the last movie coincided with the death of his best friend... So what books are you reading to your kids? What are their favourites? I know I am looking for birthday & Christmas ideas and books are at the top of our wish-lists at the moment and I need more ideas!!!


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