Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Survey About Your Children

I thought I would add a little blogginess for you to read, repost & enjoy!

1. Age of your child?
Bregon Byron- 13 as of Thanksgiving Day
Kaiden Ashe- 20 months
Kian Loki- 20 months
Vivienne Emmalene- 20 months

2. Name?
See #1

3. Birthday?
Bregon-November 22nd
Triplets- March 13th (Friday 13th Parties here I come!)

4. Time of birth?
Bregon- 107pm
Kai- 856
Kian 857
Vivie- 901 (when they took her brothers, she turned tail & went up as far as possible into my

5. How long did labor last?
Bregon- started noticeable @ midnight & he was born via c-section @ 107 the next day- so a
little over 12 hours (would have been sooner if they had believed me when I told
them that he wasn't turning from being breech)
The triplets- You don't have labor with them if you are lucky like me!

6. Who was in the room?
Bregon- it was like a cocktail party with ice cream & drinks-then they threw everyone out
for the actual c-section- only husband and about 7 other doctors (it was assembly
-line baby day as all of the ice storm babies were being born-but I like to think of it
as Valentines day babies!)

The triplets- each had their own set of NICU staff for each baby-minimum of 3 each-plus the
2 anesthesiologists, my OB, my specialist, & a myriad of other nurses and help-
alas, my family had to wait in the hallway in front of the or doors because they
meds wouldn't take and they had to knock me out repeatedly...

7. How long did you push?
never pushed with either birth

8. Birth weight?
Bregon- 7lbs exactly
}4 lbs 5 oz each -I kid you not they weighed the exact same-just shaped differently!
Vivienne- a petite 3 lbs 15oz

9. Length?
Bregon was 22 inches- he unfolded well!
Kaiden was about 18
Kian was almost 19
Vivie was about 17

10. Any hair?
Bregon, Kai & Vivie all had peach fuzz-
Kian had platinum blond hair that came down below his ears but it wasn't bushy!

11. Who does baby look like?
At the time, Bregon looked rather like Elmer Fudd-but is a nice blend of husband and I.
Kai looks EXACTLY & acts EXACTLY like my Granddaddy (Daddee)
Kian looks like husband and Bregon
Vivienne looks exactly like my Mum and mine's baby pictures

12. Be honest…how much weight did you gain during pregnancy?
Bregon- 26 lbs- The triplets were a much different story....
I was supposed to gain at least 100lbs, but in spite of eating Taco Bell and going to Superior
every Saturday without fail, I only gained a whopping 23 lbs the entire time.

13. Was baby early or late?
Bregon was a week late from his due date
The triplets were due April 27th if they had been a singleton, but since they were triplets I
was allowed to only carry them til 34 weeks.

14. Who drove you home from hospital?
Bregon- my husband
Triplets- husband drove me the first time, but when I brought everyone home, I drove
them and husband followed in the truck because we all didn't fit into the car at the same

15. How many baby showers did you have?
Bregon had one baby shower.
The triplets didn't have any baby shower at all.

16. When did baby start sleeping through the night?
Bregon- at about 4 weeks started sleeping through the night
The triplets- were about 4 or 5 months because their tummies were tinier & you cannot
let them go further than their 4 hour increments due to preemieness!

17. Did you breastfeed?
Not with either birth-would never have been able to do anything but breastfeed with triplets
and that was a frightening thought with an older child too!

18. If not, what kind of formula?
Bregon- enfamil
The triplets started out on enfacare & rice & progressed to similac advance with iron & rice
as they all had reflux and had to have cocktails!

19. Who keeps your baby the most?
Bregon- mostly me with a smidgen of a friend's Mum who kept him for a couple of hours
while I had class.
The triplets- my sister in law & niece have kept them a few times, but that's about it

20. When do you wanna have another?
I'm not going to have any more-took care of that while they were in there getting the triplets

21. How did you pick the name?
Bregon- found it in the back of a Celtic dictionary at Books a Million 2 weeks prior to birth-
Byron is after Lord Byron (husband wanted to name him George but we named the
cat that!)
Kaiden Ashe- Kai is King Arthur's brother in most legends & means keeper of the kingdom
and Ashe is Ashley from Evil Dead-I refused to name that baby Ashley so it
became Ashe.
Kian Loki- Kian means ancient one and is one of the sons of Lugh in Irish folklore-Loki is the
God of mischief & Kian is the instigator of all mischief even in the womb!
Vivienne Emmalene- My grandmother was named Vivian & called Baby Vivian by her friends
even as an adult (til the day she died really) and I wanted another
Baby Vivian-Vivienne is also the Lady of the Lake's name & I prefer the
french spelling as it matches my first name-Emmalene is my Mother's
Great Aunt's name.

22. How did you know when it was time to go to hospital?
With Bregon, I had taken 8 flights of stairs up to my apartment while carrying groceries and
the contractions were too close for safety so I grabbed my Sandy Lady & Husband and we
headed up there-

With the triplets, my specialist wrote my OB a letter stating to "Please insure that
triplets are delivered on the day that Mimi hits 34 weeks gestation...Not a moment before,
not a moment later!" We had a good giggle over that one, and I was able to pick their
birthday that way, even though nobody expected me to make it to that date because of
how much the babies weighed.

23. What was your pain management?
With Bregon, I had an epidural that came just before he was to be born by about 30
The triplets were difficult as they were late starting & they let me sit cross legged on the OR
table for about an hour til they were ready-then they tried 3 spinals,none of which took, &
many needles later decided to knock me out totally-which lasted til the first incision when
they had to wake me up after I projectile vomited into some poor assistant's eye & shot that
tube across the room...They had to restrain me, talk to me,bag me repeatedly, and then I
remember the discussion to give me local and then re-try entubating me down my nose-I
even remember the size of the tube that they used, and them removing it...scary yet true!

24. Did u go home or somewhere else when you left the hospital?
Bregon-went home
The triplets- stopped by my Daddy's to tell my niece, "Happy Birthday!"

25. Anyone spend the night with you first night home?
No one but husband each birth! I am one of those who likes to fly solo with their kids I
suppose! Then again, I don't know any better!

All proud mommies fill this out..


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