Monday, March 24, 2008

While Mummie Is Away

Funny things happen to children while their Mummie is away for the day.

Poor Husband learned this the hard way last week. Really, I had thought everything would be just fine.

I had a 5:30 a.m. appointment, and had Husband drop me off for it as the babies slept with Bregon's ever watchful eye on duty.

Nothing happened, then, thankfully! It was once the babies got up and rolling that Murphy's Law must have kicked in.

You can never see it coming, either, no matter how much you plan and watch for things to come up.

First, it would be Kaiden who would get into some trouble. Of course, when is Kaiden NOT getting into some sort of trouble?

With the oven locked, the chandelier raised, and the piano and sand box (fire place) long forgotten, he just had to search and search for the perfect trouble.

Since they had just received a lot of new toys, the possibilities seemed endless. He found his first bit among his new toys.

Husband caught him munching on the bumper of what had seemed an innocent enough present.

Apparently the brightly colored stickers that adorned the little Herbie car proved too tempting for words, and he had just settled his teeth around the plastic part of its bumper and commenced to chewing it off systematically.

It wasn't easy, but he managed to gnaw off a good part of the tail light and a rather large part of the bumper to try and choke upon.

Luckily Husband was watching for any and all signs of trouble and had been able to confiscate the yummy bug of a car before Kaiden consumed any more of it.

No choking occurred, thankfully, but Kaiden's trouble radar was not turned off just yet!

Husband only thought that he had headed off disaster as he decided it must be safe to run to the bathroom for a short bit.

When he came back, he found poor Baby Kai in hysterics, with his hand seemingly stuck in the back window of his Tonka Dump Truck.

It took about thirty minutes for him to free Kai from that tiny back window of the cab of that truck.

When he finally did free him, Kai immediately stopped crying, and decided to stick his hand BACK into that window to try and retrieve the tiny figure that he had placed in there prior to the FIRST incident.

Thankfully, he was more careful this time and did NOT get his hand stuck again. But poor husband was frazzled.

Next it was nap time, and he had noticed that Ted (who's adventures we have already covered in a previous blog) was missing and AWOL.

In searching for Ted, poor Husband realized that he was being followed by three tiny people all with their hands up, calling for "TED?"

He did finally get them all down for the nap, and managed to locate the elusive Ted to make Kian a happy guy.

After lunch, while innocently trying to talk to me on his cell phone, Husband again found himself in a quandary.

He realized that while we were talking, Kai had climbed up and settled next to him on the sofa, and was sitting directly beside him, with his ear to the other side of the cell phone.

Kaiden was trying to hear me through the phone and have a conversation, too! Apparently he really missed me.

Next, Vivienne decided to climb up onto Husband's lap under the guise of "Cuddling." She does this often, so he didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary to happen.

Apparently children really do start early on interrupting their parents when they are trying to talk on the phone. My daughter proved this.

She did NOT want a cuddle. She looked at poor Husband, and demanded that he give her his cell phone.

He said, "No!" Vivienne very demurely looked at him, and asked for the phone AGAIN.

Of course, poor, unsuspecting Husband, said, "No!" Vivienne politely warned him, saying, "I bite!"

Husband just smiled and said, "No!" Then, I heard him say, "OWWWW" through the phone. He actually had to drop it.

She really did follow through with her little girl threat, and had bitten him because he had refused to let her talk to me on the telephone.

I think she was trying to tell me that she missed me, what do you think?

Then he tried to go outside after the telephone incident, and have a nice calming cigarette. He really probably did deserve it, too.

While he was outside, he watched the babies play through the very large, room length window from the patio.

He thought they were being so cute, playing house together, until Vivienne whacked Kian in the head with her muffin pan.

Kian turned around, and bopped Kaiden up side his head in return. This made Kai wind up his little arm and punch Kian.

The entire cycle must have lasted less than a minute, but they were all out brawling, "Three Stooges" style in my living room.

Husband knew that he was basically powerless to stop it. He went inside and scooped up whichever baby was in the middle to try and stop the fight.

Of course, getting in the middle of it means getting a tiny bit hit, too. But, he managed to stop the brawl, put on a nice soothing video for the kids to watch, and calm them all down somehow.

Poor Husband. He had such a trying day. Over all, the babies were angels. They stuck to their routine, pretty much listened, and did their little baby things.

But, oh my goodness, the things children will do when their Mummie is away!


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