Friday, October 14, 2011

Ever Wondered What Was In Your Baby Mattress?

Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 30, 2010 at 03:15 PM This was inspired by a posting on SIDS & removed to my blog after it appeared to bother Oddly enough, my kids dissected one of their old crib mattresses a few days ago...just peeled back the layers & didnt stop til they got to the center...scary stuff in there actually...seriously gross & scary... Sounds like a bad tootsie roll pop commercial, but do you know whats in the middle??? First it's a plastic covering of sorts. Next is a layer of foam/batting type stuff..Ii use those terms loosely because well, It didnt resemble cut foam & it wasnt exactly batting material either as we know it-but it was stringy if you pulled it apart (which of course they did being curious exploring little minds) Then came the weird WEIRD WEIRD was some sort of um...hay type stuff...rather raffia like but more on the pine straw side yet thinner & woven into a matt sort of layer that shredded me, they pulled it apart & i got to have fun cleaning it all up...nasty stuff after you get past the foam cottonish layer bits...this stuff shredded & stuck in the rug... Next, came this odd meshy metal stuff, & in the center, springs...good ole bedsprings...that is where they stopped...but not before leaving some of the layers in tact & getting cars stuck in the meshy stuff that had to be cut out to be salvaged...was metal/twine mixture of mesh... & that is whats in a mattress...or at least that type... just sayin cause it made me think of it! I just found the insides a bit surprising really... I mean they always say foam on the labels...but the straw stuff inside? & this weird meshie stuff too? & the idea that it was soo simple for them to do even on their own... & seriously, if that is cottony stuff with a layer of straw type stuff...what about how easy it would be to ignite? It just seemed to have opened up a huge can of worms!


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