Friday, October 14, 2011

A New Mural For Our Area: Show Support & Check It Out!

Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 06, 2010 at 03:46 PM
We have a new daily tradition. We now make a point of driving a few blocks over (we just changed our route basically) so that my kids can check out my friend's new fishies mural! Unfortunately, it may not be with us very long, so I wanted to share its location with everyone so they can see it and share it with our kids. For some reason or another, there have been compaints to our councilman over it having been painted on the outside of a fence on my friend's property. The mural faces the Highland Avenue at the corner where it intersects Elmwood in Shreveport. I found out about it last week when another friend of mine stumbled accross it and took some footage of Pam actually painting & creating it (it's being done for her independent studies class for college.) It was posted on facebook last week, and I shared it with my friends thinking it was a truly nifty idea. Fast forward to this week, and suddenly something creative and nifty has become the subject of contraversy for I don't know what reason. They have contacted the councilman to complain about it, wanting it removed of all things. It's not like that silly traffic circle that they stuck at the foot of Thrill Hill that caused soo much hassle and was a hazard, it's a painting for cryin out loud! Keep in mind this is on private property and really truly no different than any other yard art...think flamingos, toilet flower pots, fans turned into windmills, iron sculptures and statues that people keep in their yards as decoration...only this is actually ARTWORK. Drive by it, tell me what you think. I really like it. Moreso, my KIDS really LOVE makes them happy. Better yet, it INSPIRED them to go home, take their chalk and create one of their own on my own fence...they are only 4 & yes it will wash away with the next rain, but really, the fact is this mural, this piece of art did actually inspired someone to create, to did its job, it serves a purpose and a very valid one at that.


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