Friday, October 14, 2011

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice...

Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 02, 2008 at 10:26 AM They say that little girls are made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice, and that's what little girls are made of.... But, man oh man...I just do not know about my little budding beauty queen of a Baby Vivienne!!!! I mean, exactly how are we expected to tolerate and somehow live with our budding imelda marcos's with all those shoes & the outfit changes that she requires? She almost requires her own personal dresser. That is, if I don't manage to hide all of the dirty laundry before she discovers it, or keep her out of my bedroom where she knows all clothing can be found! Boy am I in trouble if she manages to find a new, stray bit of clothing! Then it's all about donning it...IMMEDIATELY! I literally have to HIDE all of the shoes for the kids in the house, because if she finds em, she will immediately want to give them a whirl; one at a time, and in various awful mismatched combinations!!!! Then, as if that's not enough to drive a Mum nuts, Vivie often gets overwhelmed because, afterall, she is only 2, and cries over not being able to decide which pair is best for her beautiful tiny baby girl feet. This fit will usually result in some poor soul trying to appease her and help her out with her decision only to have shoes flung at the innocent helpers, in dismay! And then there is the issue of her flip-flop sandals. She doesn't understand that, if one is wearing socks and one refuses to remove ones socks, that flip-flops simply are not an option! And this very delimma can often lead to yet another, more awful meltdown! Let's not even fathom the thought of her finding something that constitutes a new wardrobe change! And they say little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice!


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