Feeling Brave
Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 02, 2009 at 07:44 AM
I don't know what I was thinking yesterday, really I don't. Afterall, don't I NORMALLY stay home for the most part?
i must have been feeling very brave for some reason. My friend in Houston who has 4 kids and is pregnant with her 5 tried to warn me not to do it, but I didn't listen, I just didn't.
Nope, I needed to go Goodwill-Hunting yesterday. You see, I had word that there was this very super huge black fur coat for $7 there, just calling my costume closet's name for the theater.
Silly me, I haven't a clue anymore apparently. What possessed me to think I could pull this one off and do it well?
My eldest got off to school at the crack o dawn, 4o minutes early...yeah I know, THAT is worthy of a whole other story all its own, now, isn't it!
I had everything stashed and was in control or so I thought. I got ready, got decent and then got the babies some breakfast.
I even gathered their clothes and everything and laid it all out so it would be ready with the morning diaper-duty.
And I thought things were happy-sounding in the nursery, as well. Then I opened the door.
You see, the night before, Kian had insisted upon trying to watch what he calls, "Scary Pirates" while they went to bed which lasted about 45 seconds.
He had us place the DVD and its case on the ledge in the hallway for safekeeping, but decided to check up on it this morning.
He couldn't verify that it was or wasn't up there, and this bothered him. I couldn't really understand what it was he wanted for about the first 30 minutes, either, so he had conniption fits of sorts.
Sure, everyone went downstairs to have breakfast, but Kian was in a quandary over his situation and it just affected everything.
He stood in the corner of the living room and said, "Mommie, I'm sad...WAH WAH WAH."
I kid you not, he fake cried the "Wah" parts and managed to produce real tears by the time he was finished. Oh yeah, I'm in trouble.
By this time, everyone knew I had plans to go somewhere by the way their clothes were all ready to for them to change.
I got everyone changed and decent and their hair brushed somehow in spite of the "Wah-wahs" and looked up to realize that Kian had decided to take his breakfast to go instead of eating it.
He had found and had been scrounging chip bags somewhere, and had decided one would make a lovely baggie for his breakfast. He was already packed and ready to go.
I went on and let them outside and into the van. Kian managed to spill an entire cup of milk in the van (for which I am still smelling, by the way, and need a way to clean up more thoroughly.)
I got em all to the Airline Goodwill somehow, though. That was when i noticed that I had only 2 of the leash-back-packs in the car.
I sacrificed and put the leashes on the Kai who tends to act first, think later, and then Vivienne got the other, knowing that Kian would listen better.
The boys very sweetly held hands as they crossed the parking lot. Thankfully it wasn't busy at all.
Then, once inside, the plan was to use the buggy as Kid containment. Only, I discovered that their buggy's aren't conducive to trio containment.
The boys tried to fit in the buggy, really they did, but there just wasn't enough room.
Kia voluntariy hopped into the cart-seat of his own volition, leaving Kian to fuss about the lack of space in the buggy itself.
Vivienne walked along side me for a time, trying desperately to keep up in spite of her having insisted upon wearing shoes three sizes too big (were saving for later) so she duck walked mostly to keep them on...yep that's right, duck walked.
Next, Kian freaked on me and had to walk. This constituted him making sure he heard his own footsteps everywhere we went.
So there we were, one child duckwalking to keep her shoes on, one child doing the funny people walk ala John Cleese complete with stomping to hear his footsteps, and another trying to actually steer the buggy from the front seat (think corners only different!)
Somehow, I managed to find the fur coat in question. It was mysteriously still there as described. I also found 2 more awful ones and picked em up as well.
We somehow survived Goodwill, and even made it back to the van without major spills in spite of the nearest handicap ramp being a long ways down the walk.
Once in the van, Kian decided he needed an Icee. Vivienne's internal alarm clock went off signalling it was lunch time and she started asking for chicken.
Kai just decided to cry for them both and help plead their cases better.
I inched back down Airline headed for I-20 so we could go home, and got as far as Wal-mart before everyone lost themselves to tears back there.
Kian decided that chicken sounded okay, but didn't understand why instant gratification did not take place.
There were purrs of happiness when I finally turned into Cane's on Kings Hwy, but then the tears started up again when they realized that we were stuck in a very long high-noon line for chicken.
They stopped long enough to let me order, then started up again til it was time for me to pay.
Basically they cried in between the windows, too. silly babies! I was at my wits end by this time.
I was feeling a bit frazzled. I mean, I can block it out with the best of them usually, but too much is too much!
I finally got the chicken, and headed home to the cryin game going on in back still.
They cried getting out of the car and walking up to the house. They cried when the lunch fairy didn't have lunch miraculously on the table when they walked into the dining room.
They stopped long enough to eat lunch without crying, but Kian had to have an extra added fit in the kitchen over the lack of Sprite in the cup.
After lunch, the crying game continued in many incarnations. The game seemed to be how can we make sister cry?
At one point Kai ripped the door out of her dollhouse and shoved his entire arm through it and commenced playing with some doll he had nabbed from sister.
She came running over in tears, fretting about the door being off and wanting it replaced IMMEDIATELY.
She couldn't fathom that it couldn't be replaced while brother's arm was still through the entryway!
We cried when it was time to go pick Bregon up from school. They stopped long enough to appear angelic when he got into the car, but three minutes later, they were at it again for this or that!
They literally cried until we put them into bed. Once the door was shut for the night, they crying ceased strangely enough, but the damage had already been done.
It was soo bad, that I bought a bottle of wine at the grocery store last night (went to buy milk which I had been totally out of hence another crying stint) and I never even got to crack that bottle open!!!!
Hopefully today will be much better!!! If not, that bottle of wine is waiting for me in the fridge for when I get them back in bed for the night!
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