Friday, October 14, 2011

The Reruns Experience

Posted by Vulnadia on Sep 15, 2009 at 10:57 PM I know this is a repeat subject for me, but hey, they have been outfitting my trio & actually in cahoots with Santa for almost 4 years now and counting! The last few times, I swear to myself that I'm not going to go, that I need to stay home and work. However, that need for shopping therapy wins out almost every time! Of course I was there with bells on. In fact, I was so there, that my alarm on my phone was set to the exact perfect time to go off so that I could have enough time to load everyone into the car and get accross the bridge even in nasty psycho rain conditions like today! We pulled up with exactly enough time to assemble the stroller, get everyone safely buckled in, and drive up to the front door for the end of the line... Okay, so I need to say a little...well a HUGE Thank you to the nice lady who let us go on in with her...I was basically standing in water on the ramp in front of the door waiting for the end of the line when she shoo'ed me in with her... That stroller is heavy, hasn't any brakes, and kept sliding backwards towards the street which is how I come to be standing in water in the first place! Anyways, I do want to say thank you to the kind lady who let us in and to those who didn't fuss at all about it! Once inside, I decided to try and be frugal...ahem...yeah I dare to use that word... So, I headed for the baby girl clothing section first, in hopes of getting something we actually needed...clothes for a growing baby girl! Of course the baby boy clothes are right there under the baby girl clothes, so I picked up guy things too! Then we headed over the toys because I just couldn't stand it anymore! This time, there was soo much of everything! Of course it wasn't things that we truly needed, but the sheer quantities rivaled those pictures on the website once again... There were pleanty of things to choose from, and of course after a while, it all melts together and starts to warp your brain and you find yourself turning into goo because of it all! But, I did manage to snag a Rescue Hero army complete with vehicles and stuff for the boys. Vivienne and her eagle-eye spied a Pretty Pony from what seemed like a mile away... Following her directions led me to one of those animated robotic baby versions complete with pacifier which completely made her baby girl day. I snagged a pair of pink leather cowboy boots, too, along with a brand new hippo backpack. Then, I found the coat aisle and it seemed like Christmas. You see, until now, we have been able to get away without having much in the way of coats because their clothing was soo heavy combined with their carseats and all to really warrant the expense. But now that the kids are older, and walking most places that they go, they need to have real coats and those can get pricey, even for the Target and Wal-mart varieties! I can't buy clothes terribly early for my kids, either, because of their preeminess and the slowed rate of growth! Today, though, I managed to land Vivienne a nice very English style blue overcoat with flowers and a little button on hood. The boys each got two coats each. One set is a lighter variety, and the heavier set, well...think Thurston Howell from Gilligan's Island. Yep, they are very um, different. One is a sort of boating jacket in navy with pinstriped lining and a cute little hood. The other is like a suitcoat, double breasted and all, but with an inside zipper somehow. It is blue with tiny white pinstripes and has a hoodie sweatsuit lining and hood. It's pretty wild and makes the boys look very sophisticated and old when wearing for Kai who looks rather like a wild child with his curls everywhere!!! Last but not least we landed something else really nifty, but I am saving it for another blog!


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