The Garbage Fairies Of Highland
Posted by Vulnadia on Jun 24, 2009 at 03:25 PM
I usually don't do this very often, unles it is for the benefit of the theater that is, but today I made another exception.
Yep, I admitted to it being ANOTHER instance. You see, I like to think of it as the Highland Garbage Fairies that leave these things out on the curb for the unsuspecting passers by to find and call treasures.
Last time, I ran accross an intact perfectly good papasan chair frame that was cleaned up and overhauled and given to a certain teen for Christmas.
This time, I noticed that there was one of those Fisher Price Garage's sitting on the curb next to the recycling trash bin during our morning drive to fencing camp at the sal.
I passed it up the first time, thinking how much my boys loved playing with theres and how someone really might like to have that.
On the way back from dropping Bregon off, it was still there and something in my head said that it might help alleviate some of the fighting that we were having in the living room over the sharing of a similar toy.
So, I made the block and picked it up. It was in great shape, to begin with. Then, once I got it into the van, I realized that this was one of the huge vintage versions of the toy (they have been shrinking everything for a few years now in that department.)
I took everyone home and finally convinced Kai that I was indeed going to take the cool very large garage toy inside with us.
He began to scream when he realized that I meant for him to eat his breakfast while I power washed the cool huge new garage off in the backyard WITHOUT him, though!
Poor dear, he couldn't stop crying until he saw the new garage dried and set safe and sound in the middle of the living room rug.
Then he calmly went and got his breakfast from the dining room table and brought it into the living room and set it next to the garage where he planned on being for a VERY long time!
I wish I could say that the new garage has alleviated the fighting over the old one, but I can't.
They do no longer fight over the smaller garage, but they do fight over the larger one something awful!
Even Vivienne has gotten into the fray by daring to set her blanket up on the floor on one side of it.
They fight over which cars will be used on which level or slide of the parking garage. They fight over who gets to sit on which side of the toy.
They do work as a team to try and get the train set to stay together long enough to get to the top so they can turn it around and watch it slide back down the track!
But, overall they are very happy with the new toy that the Highland Garbage Fairies left for us today.
I know it's sort of odd, but every once in a while you just run accross some things you just cannot pass up!
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