Posted by Vulnadia on Jun 19, 2009 at 01:32 PM
Before you get all excited, no, NOBODY has managed to master anything in the potty training department.
Well, the signs are there...here and there...far and few. But we talk all about it none-the-less.
My kids can distinguish between the difference of "EWWWW" and what they have deemed "NO EWWW" and that is their words for going to the bathroom.
Ever since that illfated day when poor Vivienne thought she had to "NO EWWW" and she ran willingly into the bathroom to try to use the potty only to be joined or actually beaten to the toilet by her two brothers who were also equally as gung ho, but with ulterior motives, nobody has even tried anything in the potty training department.
Til yesterday, that is. Yesterday, Vivienne leaned back in her dinner chair, grabbed her diaper and winced, saying "NO EWWWW, POTTY!"
She and I snuck away from the dinner table in time to actually shut the bathroom door and keep prying boys out!
I didn't think that she would even sit on the potty, because usually she is petrified of it being that she is soo small and it is so very huge!
But, she clamored up like a pro, and sat there. We talked about all the pictures on the wall, named all the faces peering out at us, and talked about how Dorothy watches to see if big girls can go "NO EWWW" in the potty like big people.
Twenty minutes went by, and of course nothing happened. But, what we DID accomplish was Vivienne learned NOT to be afraid of the potty and to hold herself up without falling in!
All in all it was a nice new beginning. We have wiped that scary slate clean and have only positive potty thoughts ahead!
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