Teen Angst
Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 04, 2009 at 01:21 AM
I should know better, really I should. But still, he somehow manages to surprise me.
Bregon is acting like a teenager. I know, I know, I should expect this and often, but it's soo...well it's annoying!
Last Friday, he agreed to babysit for me so that I could run Haunt errands so that I could get some of the costumes necessities together.
This deal came as a part of the whole "You're taking Dad away from the Haunt job for an entire DAY on Saturday, I need this to make up for it" deal that we made or so I had thought.
Deals mean NOTHING to Teenagers, or at least not to mine! I was soo mad at him.
He really wanted' to go to the Civic Center in Bossier that afternoon and help set up for the Tournament.
He swore he understood why I needed him to sit this one out. After all, he would spend the better part of a day Saturday in training and then in competition, so this was a fair trade.
But, come 3pm Friday, I was getting a call from the Fencing room from Bregon, telling me that he had arranged for a "Ride" to the Civic Center already and that Rob needed him to go.
This meant that not only had he disobeyed me, but he went out of his way to include as many adults in his plan as humanly possible.
He was going no matter WHAT I said or did and I am NOT happy about this!
The conversation gave me no way to actually speak with him about any of this as he hung up almost as soon as he had finished talking.
What was I to do? He wouldn't answer his cell phone, in act he had let the battery run down and had left it upstairs.
I am really grateful for the folks who gave Bregon the rides to and from the Civic center, but at the same time, I am livid that Bregon skipped out on responsibility.
The horrible part is that the stuff I needed to go get was for a part HE is supposed to be playing.
It was for HIS outfit. That just adds to it, I suppose. Fast forward to this week, and I had that horrid Goodwill excursion that we are STILL recovering from in the baby department.
I have to go out by myself to do something such as fabric shop. The babies would make it impossible to look or even think.
So, I decided that I would go today after Bregon's fencing lesson. He would have to skip the youth program at the Sal today, but that isn't too much really as it's only an hour long anyways.
I got everything together since I would be heading straight out to rehearsal afterwards, and started loading my car.
I came inside to find Bregon freaking out and trying to dress for the Youth Program in the foyer.
He was livid when I told him he wasn't going. He actually threw a fit over it even though his Dad had already told him about it this morning after the lesson.
I just don't understand. I even let him have his girlfriend over yesterday after school for the last time for a while because I know things are going to get hectic once Fair starts.
Why can't my kid understand that I need him to do these things for me? He used to do them without any problem or fuss.
All this teen angst is starting to get to me! It's almost as awful as the non-stop screaming that the Goodwill Excursion caused!
oddly enough, i dont think its the girlfriend issue...that week he wasnt mad that she couldnt come over that weekend...which if it were that i am betting he would have said something-he's not shy by any means & i'm pretty lenient when it comes to friends...
but he did feel like he just HAD to help set up for the Rose...even though he & i had an agreement so that the haunt wouldnt suffer too much since he had his daddy all day that saturday & i would have to even take the trio with me that day to the fairgrounds (which is a scary story in itself let me tell ya-they had NEVER been out there before & there is all sorts of hazards & dangers & cool things to want to get into...can you say BIG BIG SLIDE???& traffic from the movie shoot...those folks are crazy & drive like maniacs as if nothing in the world is in their way) he did it again later on that same week when it turned out i hadnt any milk & hadnt any other way to get any save for him to stay home from fencing & do his homework while i ran to the grocery store...
this past saturday he came unglued AGAIN...even though he had a nice night of friends that he hadnt had in a while...
so i dont know...i know he's getting old...but i have to be able to rely on him some since my other babysitters flaked TOTALLY on me...
i've arranged for 2 of the kids from the cast who are just pretty much hanging out to come hang at my house while my trio sleeps (they dont often get up at night anyways) so he can come out & work the show at least a tiny bit...
but if i dont have him to help, i will be at a total loss!!!!
i mean, once fair is over things will even out again...til the theater season starts up...thankfully neither me or husband is in the first show we are doing...basically hosting...now the peformance piece is a whole other story...that one has everything to do with my being in it...so i dunno!!!!
arrrggghhh! maybe its just stress from the whole getting close to show opening bit & then not knowing if we are to move our building after we close or not!!!! who knows!!!!
thank you ladies!!!!
paige...girlfriends arent THAT bad...i mean, ours is more on the FRIEND side than the GIRLFRIEND side thankfully...though she is crushing on him at times & i can tell from her facebook...too cute really...but he is thankfully a guy & KNOWS that she is his friend first & formost...& he had little trial relationships in middle school that were funny...but one taught him how to plan, how to know when its time to back off...& how not to be the guy that a group of friends all are fighting over...he's too funny in worrying about how asking a girl out will have an affect on her friends if they also like him...he wont go there just so she can keep her friends...its how he ended up with 3 valentine dates one year...each was awares, but he didnt want to upset any of em...sounds bad, but his heart & rationale was in the right place...it wasnt pimp-daddy or anything lol...it was trying to keep the peace...
& then there was ellie...the girl who slapped him over eating chicken nuggets in her vegetarian presence...he dumped her then & there & never looked back...he's nice to her, but she is MEAN still to this day...but we got pelted with good stuff at the parade...lol..she still likes him....
aw well...guess its a taste of whats to come- at least we get to do teen angst together!
Community Theater, Stage Work, Haunted Attractions, Shocktale Terror Show,GLP, Gas Light Players, Renaissance Festivals, Writing, Directing,Acting, Sewing, Literature, Art & Music.
10870 posts
by Vulnadia on Oct 05, 2009 at 11:50 AM
i know...bregon is like me & automatically assumes they are referring to HIM in any given situation like that...& doesnt want to be the bad kid or the one who isnt pitching in & pulling his weight...he & connor both seem to really REALLY want to be team kids & not the kids who just SAY they are on the team but dont do anything at all (henry comes to mind-but thats another rant...bregon even found that he doesnt show for dr appts one day & was amused)
i know they needed the help, but at our house it was a huge trade off cause of the timing of the rose & where we are in rehearsal/build...it sounds selfish i know...but we really only have husband knowing how to do the bulk of the construction needed & even with specific instruction the workers have burned up my materials thrice over & its cost me out the butt...& it wasnt necessary....so bregon & i had an agreement or so i thought...arrrggghhh!!!!
they are great kids arent they (ours) ...we probably dont need to get started on some of the others....
i know they are at THAT age...but do they HAVE to do it NOW??? tee hee i know i know timing is everything isnt it???
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