Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Borrower's Strike Back!

I cannot seem to stop my little people from borrowing anything and everything that they can find in my house!

Don't get me wrong, my house has been baby-proofed for the year that we have lived here.

Unfortunately, my babies can get around most baby-proofing gadgets out on the market today!

Lately, they have been pilfering out of drawers. I do have drawer locks on them, but Kai can get in anyways.

He has taken to opening the drawer the few inches it will open with the latch in place, and pulling himself up using his upper arms so that he can hang from the front of the drawer.

Next, he shoves his arm in as far as he can get it, grasping at anything and everything within his reach.

One day, he managed to quietly empty out the entire silverware drawer before starting on the scary, more dangerous and fun drawers.

Don't be fooled, he gets plenty of help in his endeavors. His siblings are in attendance to cart off the stolen goods in their toy dump trucks and fire trucks!

I have been at my wits end trying to get them to leave my drawers alone!

After we caught him with a butcher knife, though, some changes had to take place.

I just did not know what to do. I mean, one cannot put away all of the silverware and knives and cooking utensils, now can you?

I stumbled upon my solution on accident one day. I had originally tried pushing everything sharp and dangerous to the back of the drawer, but it didn't deter the tiny thieves at all.

So, I turned the drawer organizers sideways and pushed them all the way to the back of the drawer.

Next, I took all of the sharp objects and placed them BEHIND the organizers, leaving only things like straws and plastic spoons towards the front as a sort of diversion, or deterrent.

If I can convince my eldest to help me maintain this new setup, it just may work, too!

The babies seemed content with the prize even though it may end up being a silly straw or a plastic soup spoon.

Only time will tell! Keep your fingers crossed for me, as we have been very fortunate so far that nobody has managed to hurt themselves!

A Television Warning!

I have always been a strong advocate of creating white noise to help my kids sleep easier and to drown out any outside noises that may keep them awake.

This stems from the general basics of babies who did their time in the NICU because (anyone who has ever had a child in there can attest to this) it is on the whole very noisy in there and once a child comes home, they usually find it difficult to sleep in quiet!

My kids were basically like other NICU graduates, and required some sort of white noise.

In the beginning, there was this tiny music box that also played nature sounds that Kai became quite fond of.

He loved it so much, that he had to have it on his area of the crib and would literally hoard it given the chance.

This gave way to us having to purchase a nice mobile that played classical music in fifteen minute increments.

Once Vivienne moved out of the crib and into her own, we purchased yet another, and the music almost NEVER seemed to be in sync after that!

The older my kids got, the more attuned to everything they became. They perked up when the neighbors came home at night.

They could hear if a firetruck drove down the street a block away.

Even worse, they could tell where we were in the house, and if we were too close, they would wake up to play and to visit with us!

To combat that, at first I used the lullaby channel on the online radio station on my computer.

Once we moved, and the babies no longer lived in the sun porch off of our bedroom, we had to find something else!

Poor Bregon volunteered his stereo as a short-term solution. Poor thing, it is still in the babies room one year later!

We have a very nice classical piano lullaby CD that plays on repeat all day, everyday, though!

Unfortunately, the classical piano music just was NOT enough. The babies could tell every time Bregon went upstairs to his room.

Even worse, they could hear his television in their room, even with the doors shut!

They could also tell when our new neighbor came home and when he would leave for work, too!

To try and combat this new found problem (that we had thought would be resolved by our move,) I decided to try something different.

Since Bregon had a new television, his little one ended up in the babies room.

I thought we would be safe if we left the channel on Nickelodeon, but eventually I discovered that they tend to show things like kiddie horror shows at night and that scared the babies!

So, I decided that the cartoon channel would serve our purpose much better. And really, it did work out, for a time.

A few months ago, my kids started waking up in the middle of the night again, and I couldn't figure out why.

Then, one night, I went in to put two of the babies back to sleep at about three a.m., and I overheard some less than child-friendly language and content spewing forth from their television.

Mumsy's beware! The cartoon channel apparently does not show child friendly content after a certain time of night (I think it may be ten, but I am not sure!)

Apparently, my kids do not like Anime' or even Stewie, because it made them cry!

A dear friend of mine suggested that we switch over to the Disney Channel because the content was basically guaranteed to be child-friendly.

The scary thing is, he is totally right on the matter! The babies have been sleeping much better as of late.

In fact, they are quieter in the mornings, too, because they are busy watching their new favorite shows!

The downside to all of this, though, is that it is currently 9:30 at night, and my kids are happily giggling and bouncing and singing in their beds.

They have been upstairs since about seven, but they are still going strong.

I think my baby boys have a new appreciation for Miley Cyrus, too, because everytime her show comes on, they start singing along with it!

So, I suppose the moral of the story is, just because it says cartoon on the label, and it appears to show kid-friendly things, doesn't necessarily mean that the programming is consistently child-friendly 24-7!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Frightening Thing About Railings

The frightening thing about railings is that railings are frightening things!

Think about it, stair railings and little people just do not mix!

I don't know, maybe I have a complex from tales that I heard from when I was younger and babysat a lot, who knows!

There was that one time when one of my charges (while under her Mum's watchful eye actually) managed to climb inside the curled part of the banister where it ends at the foot of the stairs.

Yes, she got VERY stuck. In fact, she got a lot a bit stuck in that tiny spiral part of the banister!

I guess that is why I am so leery of the bannister's at my house for some reason!

One must understand, that I have a staircase inside my house, and another one off of my front porch, so I have several opportunities for disaster!

Recently, I have caught Vivienne trying her hand at putting her head in between the wrought iron spindles of the front porch railing.

She is soo small, that she can get her head through that railing up almost to her ears.

This is an act that terrifies me to know end! I know that she is growing, and soon enough, her head will grow too large to fit in between those spindles and that there is a distinct possibility that she will get her head stuck!

Tonight, Kaiden decided to demonstrate a similar feat on the staircase inside the house.

He decided that he needed to try and fit his head in between each and every spindle on the railing going upstairs.

Luckily, his head just didn't fit in between ANY of the spindles, but he did make up for it by insisting upon blowing kissies through each one of them!

I suppose I really do have a valid reason to be frightened of the railings! After all, if my kids can find it, they will most likely learn to get stuck at some point!

When that day comes, I have no earthly idea how I will react, or what to do to free my little people!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Peter Pan Moment

My husband just got home from work, literally, and has been in my living room, playing with his tiny trio.

He just came running in here to relate to me a silly little incident that reminds us both of "Peter Pan."

Husband was sitting there on the sofa, watching Kian talk on his toy telephone.

He looked at Kian, and asked if he could have a hug. Kian put the phone on his shoulder, and just stared at him in disbelief at first.

Then he said, "Hug?" Husband looked back at him and confirmed, "Hug!"

Kian looked at him funny, then handed him his cup, and went back to chattering on his little phone.

Husband just giggled at him, and said, "How about that hug?" He held his arms out to Kian once more.

Kian again set the phone on his shoulder, and looked at his daddy funny and said, "Hug?"

It looked like a light-bulb went off in his little-boy head, and he puckered up and blew his daddy a super big kiss, smiled and wandered off, seemingly satisfied.

Husband is still giggling over the whole incident as I type.

It just reminded him of when Peter Pan was asked for a kiss and gave a button instead because he wasn't sure what a kiss was!

Changing Baby

As you may have already read, my tiny trio have mastered the art of stripping off all of their clothing as well as their diapers, too.

This latest behaviour has led to an overhaul of their wardrobe and the addition of tape to their diaper changing routines (mainly at night.)

Today, my kids have taken their new found talents to quite a new and exciting level of fun, though.

I should have been clued in to their antics by the nice calm peace and quiet that had settled over the house.

You see, Kaiden had a dirty diaper and had apparently voiced his concern to his siblings. He really hates being dirty, too.

So, Vivienne and Kian apparently decided to perform a public service of sorts for their needy brother, Kai.

From the remnants of their antics, I could tell that they apparently had convinced him to lay down on the hearth of the fireplace.

They even removed the fireplace fan so he wouldn't get hurt before having him assume the position.

Next, they set about removing that nasty, stinky diaper from his little boy behind.

Kian managed to reach the wipies and handed them off one by one to Vivienne who took care of the dirty deed.

Yep, she actually wiped her brother's icky nasty behind. Strangely still, she did a fairly decent job considering she is only 2!

Of course they weren't as neat about clean-up as I would have preferred, but nothing got on the floor or anywhere it shouldn't have, so I cannot really complain.

The only problem the kids had came when it was time to master the tapes that would help them get the new diaper ON.

They did try, but ultimately gave up, so Kai set out to play anyways, parts to the wind.

He only had a tiny mess, too, which was easily cleaned up. However, he was very sad about having made it in the first place, so he did cry a tiny bit.

I couldn't really get mad at them, really. I just hugged Kai and got him a fresh diaper and some dry britches.

Kian and Vivienne helped me gather up the ickies and we put them away in the trashcan in the pantry.

Overall, I think I took it rather well, considering the potential for disaster.

I still cannot get over that they would actually help each other out that much, though!

I think it's about time that I brought the potties inside and give training a whirl, what do you think?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Video Killed The Radio Star...More Film Camp!

Last week, my eldest attended his second session of Film Camp at the Robinson Film Center downtown.

That particular session involved the making of a music video from start to finish.

For the first day or so, the kids all watched different videos posted on YouTube and different music videos from different genre's to try and decide which direction to take with the one that they were to create.

My eldest ended up going with something Sex Pistol's-like and decided that he would just have to do his best Sid Vicious.

He spent the better part of the week assembling the perfect outfit for his shoot.

Those leather britches that Aunt Kat had given him for his 6th birthday were pulled out from storage, and low and behold, they ALMOST even fit after all these years!

He even managed to locate his leather biker jacket. There was just one minor detail to take care of.

As it turned out, they decided collectively that he would need to do something special with his hair for the shoot.

Preferably, they would like to see it either spiked (they actually wanted Liberty spikes) or in a nice Mohawk.

Now, being the middle of summer, and almost time to get his hair cut for back-to-school, this meant that his hair is super long on top and quite grown out as opposed to the general norm which finds it cut like the new Dr. Who (David Tennant.)

So, for the first day of shoot, (did I mention that we were taking Bregon to fencing camp in the mornings and that he had an hour in between camps this week?) I stood in my husband's bathroom armed with a bottle of sport-hold #10 gel and a bottle of my Aussie Scrunch Spray and a hair dryer.

Who knew that my eldest had so much hair on his head? And, WHERE DID IT COME FROM because I don't have that hair (but I sure wish I did!)

I must have used a quarter cup of gel on the top of his hair alone. Somehow, I managed to force it up into some semblance of a very huge and super tall Mohawk.

I thought it was going to take forever to dry, but I finally got it tamed! After it was all said and done, the Mohawk was something like seven or eight inches tall and ended in a kind of a curl in the center of his forehead!

I got him all dry and cleaned up (goo was EVERYWHERE) and made him get his patent leather combat boots to go with his outfit, then shuttled him out the door to head downtown.

The Mohawk was a huge hit at film camp, but the news that evening was that I would have to do it AGAIN the next day!!!

So, that evening, I was off to the grocery store, Mohawk Sid-clone in hand, to find my saving grace, hoping that it was still made the way it was in the old days, a nice shiny can of AQUANET!!!!

Thankfully, Brookshires had a can left over from the old days and we snagged it!

That next Mohawk went up in no time, in spite of all the hair and the fact that it really wants to curl and hang down in his face!

The shoot went really well, or so I am told. My child also learned that he can play the electric guitar fairly well this past week.

Don't worry, we are baby-stepping into this guitar business. Saturday, I picked up new strings and a little automatic tuner for his acoustical.

Some friends helped us get the darn thing strung Saturday night, and he has been playing it ever since!

He had started learning from Mr. Clyde at the Renzi Center this past year.

We also had been picking up any Guitar for Dummies books we could find at the Half Price Bookstore in Texas every time we go over for the musicals.

It's amazing the things my son has picked up over the five weeks he has spent at film camp!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Borrower's Strike Again!

I just discovered that my tiny trio have gone and done it again!

They have managed to find a few things that were either left by their errant owners in a place that was not baby-proofed enough, or just neglected and long forgotten!

Vivienne is currently wearing her big brother Bregon's flip-flops,and actually is wearing them perfectly is the frightening part about it!

I sure hope that she doesn't trip over them because they are HUGE and look like flippers on her tiny baby-girl feet!

To complement her new-found footwear, she has also borrowed her big brother's baseball cap.

She has given it a stylish twist of her own, however, and is wearing it backwards, with a tuft of hair curling out of the adjustment part that would normally be at the nape of her neck.

This rather makes her look like an inner-city unicorn of sorts, poor dear!

Kian has also managed to score big today with his borrowing skills. He is running around the living room screaming, "OUTSIDE" using his outside voice of course, wearing his big brother's favorite pair of sunglasses.

He occasionally is bumping into various bits of furniture and an out of place toy here and there because it just really isn't bright enough for shades in the living room.

Kaiden is busy squatting in the middle of the kitchen floor, learning all about the stickiness of those kid's meal stickers that he borrowed off of the kitchen counter yesterday.

Oddly enough, nobody has noticed the toys that I had lined the counter-tops with in hopes of deterring their little borrowing ways with something that they haven't seen in a while!

I wonder how long this will last?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Borrowers

Lately, the babies have been acquiring things from around the house that NOBODY can figure out how they managed to find.

Last week, Kian walked up to me and handed me a bottle of the hardshell chocolate syrup that is supposed to be put on icecream.

Thankfully, he did not figure out how to open that bottle, or it could have had a rather messy ending!

Then there was the theft and seeming disapearance of several cups that had been set out to dry along the back of the kitchen counter.

The cups, along with several water glasses, were found on the dining room table after I had returned from a potty break.

I had returned only to discover that, in the thirty seconds I was gone, a tea party had been quickly put together.

They had even moved all of the chairs from along the wall and set them at the table and had just climbed up to start having some imaginary "Tea" out of those contraband cups and glasses when I found them.

Today, I heard funny noises coming from the darkened kitchen.

When I went in there to see what the matter was, I discovered that Kai had managed to pull himself up using only his upper arm strength and was hanging by his elbows from the counter-top.

He was busily passing the things that he had discovered on the counter down to his sister and brother.

Vivienne was the proud owner of a nice new plastic coat-hanger, while Kian had scored himself a package of stickers that had been set aside from a kid's meal last week from Cane's.

Kaiden was very sad because he had set his sights on having Bregon's plastic skull mug and I apparently had thwarted his borrowing efforts.

Apparently, NOTHING is safe in my kitchen anymore! They have even figured out how to stick their tiny arms into the small openings left after the cabinets had been locked down with those outside latches and have been quite successful at borrowing things in that manner, too!

In fact, the latches that hold the cabinets in the living room have long since been breached by tiny arms, allowing access to such things as video games, old vhs tapes, and even dvd's!

Apparently, short of screwing everything shut, there isn't any way to keep them out of the cabinets or off of my countertops anymore!

Whatever shall I do? I suppose I should start boxing everything up, but what will I cook with, or what will we watch?

We have to have dishes and cups and silverware and such, but I really don't want to keep finding borrowed objects that may prove dangerous, in the toy boxes or in the playhouse!

I suppose I will have to find a new solution to my problems. I know that several of us already have found several parenting uses for duct-tape (yes several of us triplet mums have been forced to resort to taping diapers shut to keep them on our kids as of late.)

Maybe duct-tape has more uses for our kids than just diapering, who knows!

The Tiny Insomniac

For whatever reason, Vivienne has been basically living the life of a baby insomniac for a little over a week now.

Each night, just when we think it's safe to start dinner, we hear a howl coming from the baby monitor.

Of course it's Vivienne. Sometimes we try and entice her to stay in bed with a nice cup of milk.

Other times, we check the television station programming and find that changing the channel will keep her in her bed just a little bit longer.

But eventually, I know it is inevitable. She is going to have to come downstairs so that she doesn't wake up her brothers to share her misfortune.

The poor baby just cannot seem to sleep much anymore for some unknown reason!

It has gotten so bad, that she has been staying up until the wee hours of the morning.

It varies from somewhere between three and four in the morning as to when I can finally get her upstairs quietly and settled in bed enough for me to try and finish working and cleaning up for the day enough for me to be able to go to bed.

Last night, it wasn't so very quiet of a transition, either. She continued to howl until about five.

If her brothers hadn't been sleeping like tiny logs, I would have had to have brought her back downstairs AGAIN, but thankfully they had tuned her howling and screeching out somehow!

Tonight, I am going to try taking the kids outside after dinner and let them bounce on the trampoline for an hour or so in some attempt at tiring them out a bit more.

I had to wake her up from her nap so that hopefully she will sleep some tonight. I found her sleeping with her blanket over her head in what appeared to be some effort at blocking out sound and light, but I cannot be certain of her intentions.

I know that this week has been a mess with Bregon having two different camps to attend with an hour break in between the two to eat and get cleaned up and sweet smelling for the next one.

The babies are probably just experiencing a slight disruption in routine from the hectic schedule for the week. I can only hope!

I sure hope that this gets better, because I don't think I can go too much longer with only cat naps before having to function!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Husband Babysits!

This weekend, Bregon and I had another trip to Dallas while Husband stayed at home with my little people.

Poor, dear, brave husband faced a weekend of stripping babies with what appears to have been a severe case of insomnia to complement their new found talents.

For some reason, Vivienne and Kai both had problems sleeping all weekend long.

I have my own suspicions that Vivienne most likely woke Kai up to keep her company, but we will never know for certain!

Husband was awake most of Friday night with Vivienne. Saturday night, she insisted upon Kai keeping her company as well.

About four in the morning, they finally ran out of steam and ran to the baby gate asking to go, "Night-night!"

Kaiden was shaking the gate as is his custom when waiting for someone to come and open it so that he can go upstairs.

Vivie came running up behind him with her blankie screaming, "Yeah, baby" as if she had just finished watching an Austin Power's movie or something!

Saturday, after nap time, husband went upstairs and discovered that Kai had decided to let everyone know that he, too, has mastered the removal of all of his clothes and his diaper.

He thankfully was not dirty, however, he was quite gleefully enjoying his new found "Freedom" and was busy jumping up and down the length of his bed, leaving everything to the wind!

This behaviour tried poor husband's last nerve, and he decided that it would be a great idea to duct-tape the baby's diaper on him to prevent him from removing it anymore!

I know it sounds horrible, but we really have to do what we have to do as parents to try and keep our sanity!

Apparently the duct tape left a HUGE impression, because husband reported that as soon as Kai got up off of the sofa, he ran to his siblings jabbering away in tripletease, hands flailing about, motioning to the taped diaper and such!

Since the duct tape incident, NOBODY (knock on wood) has even tried removing any article of clothing!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Noises Are Not Always Good!

Tonight, we put the kids in bed at the usual time and headed back downstairs to start working on our respective projects as usual.

I headed off for much needed Mumsy time which translates roughly into HOT SHOWER!!!

I wondered why I heard soo much noise over the water running and all. It would appear that my tiny trio were having a lovely time bouncing in their beds up there!

There were lots of "Oh No's" and "T.V. T.V. T.V.'s" being screamed gleefully, interspersed with much laughter and giggling all around. I should have known something was up!

About an hour later, and dinner is on the table, I heard my Beautiful Baby Vivienne screaming her "I dropped my blanket" scream, so I sent Bregon innocently upstairs to check it out.

All I heard through the baby monitor was dead silence for a very pregnant pause, followed by an "OH MY GOSH" from my eldest.

I held my breath, waiting to learn the extent of the damage done, knowing that the babies had been up to SOMETHING.

I hadn't heard any breaky noises, and I was certain that none of the thuds were large enough or dense enough to have been anyone falling out of bed, but I wasn't sure what to expect!

One can never guess at my house, and there wasn't anyway to have even begin to come close to the truth of what I was about to see and learn!

After what seemed like forever, Bregon came downstairs, carrying a giggly Baby Vivienne.

All he could say was, "Mum, she's NAKED!" To which Vivie replied in an all too gleeful manner, "OH YEAH!"

She was TOTALLY naked. No footed pajama's, no diaper, NOTHING was on her little body whatsoever, and she was very VERY proud of it.

While Bregon got her diapered and dressed, I fixed a round of milk for the babies and handed Vivie her cup.

Bregon innocently went back upstairs to dole out the remaining milk cups, only to find that Kian was also now as naked as the day he was born, and just as giddy as his sister had been upon discovery.

Kaiden was asleep, and appeared to have actually won whatever game they had been playing as he was the only baby that was still fully clothed.

Apparently, my tiny trio had been playing some sort of strip-something or other game-wise in their beds and two of them had lost!

All I can say to this is, I'm in trouble now! They have mastered the removal of both pajama's, normal clothes and DIAPERS!

I suppose the next step is the dreaded finger painting that all parents try and prevent, but know inevitably that the day is coming!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Remember that tried and true method everyone used to use as a standard norm for figuring out if your spaghetti was ready yet?

You know, the one that was depicted so lovingly in that movie, The Big Chill.

It's the method where you take a piece, and toss it against the wall to see if it sticks.

If it doesn't stick, the pot needs to boil a bit longer. If the noodle sticks to the wall, then it's ready to eat!

Well, one of my triplets decided to expand upon that very same principal the other night.

The only difference was that he was NOT experimenting with boiling spaghetti, he was trying out the sticky properties of lunch-meat.

Yep, Kian decided to beg a piece of Bologna from his Daddy, who was innocently snacking in the kitchen.

It's not unusual for the kids to ask to try something that he is eating, either, so he thought nothing of tearing off a bit and giving it to him to taste.

Boy was he shocked when Kian took it, looked at it, and tossed it at one of the kitchen cabinets to see what would happen.

I suppose you could say that it was definitely "Done" as it stuck like glue to that cabinet.

It even left a big greasy stain, but husband didn't mind much (as husbands are not usually given to thinking about such matters anyways!)

Kian found the sticky properties of Bologna soo very funny, that he peeled it off of the cabinet, ran back a little bit, and tossed it yet AGAIN!

Did you know that the same piece of Bologna can be re-tossed about five times before it finally loses some of its sticky abilities?

It took about that long for Kian to get tired of playing with it, too.

So, after a last toss, and peeling that piece of Bologna off of the cabinet, he popped the whole thing, muck and all, into his mouth and happily munched away on it before anyone could do anything about it.

EEwww, gross! But at least now we know that Bologna, like a fully cooked spaghetti noodle, can and most certainly will stick to your kitchen wall or cabinet!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Tonight, Vivienne did the funniest thing. She had gotten up for her sometime habit of having midnight tea when it happened.

Her Daddy had gone to the bedroom to get something, and had come back into the living room when she started to play with him.

She stood in front of him, and began to speak in tripletese to him.

From her motioning, and use of some English words, we could make out that she wanted him to come into the living room and sit down in a particular spot on the sofa as designated by HER!

She continued her babble and basically told us that if he would please sit on the sofa in that spot, she would then go and sit in her recliner and have cereal bits and a spot of milk and watch some television with him!

He tried to get a word in edgewise, and attempted to ask if she would like to put on her upstairs feet and go to sleep.

This only caused her to shake her head in disbelief, and say, very sweetly, "NO!"

Then she placed her finger first aside, then over her nose and whispered very loudly, "SSHH! No talking!"

It took us both by surprise that she would say or do anything of the sort, so we all had quite a giggle over it!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Right This Way!

Recently, Kaiden has developed a new way of communicating. It isn't so much through words, as through, well...force.

It's really too funny to watch, and usually his victims are so shocked over what he has gone and done that they are too busy laughing to say or do anything but comply to his every whim.

It's a good thing that Kai is awfully cute and funny and sweet, isn't it?

It would seem, that whenever he decides that he wants something, or even to show you something, that he doesn't want to ask for it anymore.

In fact, he has gotten quite demanding. He will just walk up, smiling the entire time, and unobtrusively grab your shirt when you're not looking and drag you wherever he wants you to go.

It doesn't matter if you were squatting down to play with him on his level or not, he will just grab and go (much like you're mum or dad did when you were little and in loads of trouble, really!)

He thinks nothing of the odd positions that he has forced you into, or the fact that he is trying to make you walk or move somewhere using that odd position(usually another room, too, so it's quite an acrobatic feat for you to comply!)

Nope, he doesn't care one bit as long as you follow where he leads you!

Sometimes he just wants to show you something. Other times, he wants you to get him something like a cookie or a chip or even a spot of milk.

Then there are the requests for larger orders such as a car ride or help getting up on top of a rather large dishwasher box that had taken up residence in the kitchen momentarily.

Thankfully, as of late, he has started to graduate to the much easier and more user friendly hand-holding variety of leading everyone around.

But when he forgets to be civil, it can get seriously funny around here!

Film Camp Finale

Tonight was the showing of the movies that the kids made at The Renzi Film Camp.

I was even able to attend thanks to my sisters-in-law who came over and kept the triplets for me!

Husband, Bregon and I headed down to The Robinson Film Center for the showing about 5:30 this evening.

We had never been, but let me tell you, we cannot WAIT to go back!

The showing was held on the top floor across from the restaurant. Everything was super nice!

We got there a bit early to make sure we wouldn't have any trouble finding a good seat, and were able to chat with our friends a bit before the shows.

It was definitely a full house! Most of the students from the camp were there along with their friends and family.

My son was in two of the movies, "The Replicators" and "The Remarkables."

It is soo funny seeing him on the big screen like that, too. He is all dimples and those huge eyes of his.

In fact, I have never seen quite so dapper a zombie as Bregon, actually.

In fact, I don't recall ever having seen a zombie with dimples before!

Did I mention that he also does a mean death scene? He only had something like two or three of those (and no he did not manage to get filmed doing himself in like a friend of ours did in Robocop 2!)

Overall, it was a great event. The kids did an amazing job with their movies and their teachers and resident artists rocked!

In fact, my child loved it so much, he is begging for me to find him a way to attend the Robinson Film Center version of film camp that starts this coming Monday!

With any luck, I will find a way to get him there! Sadly, he is already missing his friends from The Renzi Center, but it will only be for another month or so!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A New Do

Yesterday, we had our cousins over to play with us for the afternoon.

This meant, that the babies all needed to get dressed in something other than their pajamas so that they could go outside and play, too.

The boys each had on their matching t-shirts and shorts and were good to go.

Vivienne, however, was still in her footed pajama's and needed something a bit cooler to wear outside to play in!

She followed me into my bathroom where her clothes are stashed in my closet, waving her hands as she babbled in tripletese.

While I rummaged through her wardrobe to find her a cute outfit to wear, she carefully inspected the potty in the other corner.

Finally, she looked up at me, shook her head and shrugged as she screamed gleefully, "Pee!"

Then she ran into the hallway to wait for her outfit. She picked out a little white denim dress with bloomers and helped me get herself dressed.

Since I had her cornered, basically, I grabbed her brush and tried to take advantage and get those pesky knots out of the back of her hair.

To make up for all the pulling and torture, I grabbed a scrunchy out of my drawer and decided to see if Vivie had enough hair to put up.

I carefully brushed everything into a little tiny pony-tail, and wrapped the scrunchy around her very fine hair.

Somehow, I managed to get enough together and even to get a real pony-tail out of it for her!

She was so very proud of her new "Do" and hair ornament that she just HAD to go and show her cousins!

Unfortunatly, the scrunchy was too big to stay in for very long, but she practiced wearing her new do all day yesterday!

Today, I found some tiny baby-girl scrunchies with little curly ribbons on them at the grocery store.

Tomorrow, she is going to be so very excited when I fix her hair for her!