Thursday, August 28, 2008

The New Diapering Supply

Ever since the triplets were born, we have been doing our part to drive up the stock in Pampers!

We don’t even waste our time buying the little dinky packs that are in plastic on the grocery store shelves.

Nope, we buy the mondo-super pack boxes from places like Sam’s Club that are designed to last a normal family for about a month.

We also buy our wipes by the case in bulk as well, for obvious reasons! It isn’t just because Baby Vivienne loves to play with them, either!

I’ve also done my share of contributing to the rise in stock of Boudreaux’s Butte paste, too!

But now, we’ve been forced to add another, very unlikely tool, to our diapering supply list.

Yep, I have now officially added tape to the list of things that are necessary to our diapering existence.

You see, for several weeks, we have been combating the children taking off their diapers before bed.

There have been many a morning where I have walked into the nursery to find shiny little bare hiney’s up in the air, baring all to the wind as my tiny trio slept!

Nobody has tried finger painting or making messes, YET, but in anticipation of such icky events, I have taken to regularly taping the boy’s britches each night.

Thankfully, Vivienne respects her panties enough to not want to remove them so that she could get to her diaper….YET.

I know the day will come, however, when panties will just not be the deterrent that they once were.

So, I buy tape. Lots and lots of tape. And I bet you thought that duct tape came in pretty colors just for fun!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Struggling To Stay At Home

I'm a stay at home mum out of necessity for my tiny trio. It's super hard to find extra work that one can do at home and still be able to take care of my little people.

I have been fortunate to find several different things that I can do that pay a little for each job. It's not the same as working in an office, but every little bit helps.

I have gotten used to having the extra income, too! But lately, for whatever reason, my paychecks haven't been coming in when and as they should be.

It's really make me stop and re-think my decision to stay at home with the kids, too.

I mean, is there any way I could afford daycare for my tiny trio? And if I could, would their tiny immune systems hold up so that they could actually go to daycare.

Would I find myself staying home with them while they were sick? (My little people actually get sick on a rotating basis more often than not, making what normally be a few days off extend to much longer!)

I just do not know what to do at this point! I have another endeavor that I am working on to try and make some extra money, but right now the endeavors seem to be stacking up!

I guess I'm just frustrated right now. Hopefully, everything will iron itself out in the end!

Baby With a Butcher Knife

Okay, so the phrase, "Baby with a butcher knife" brings to mind some punchline from some bad joke, usually.

And I like to hope that it would remain a bad joke, but lately, it has become more of a reality.

I have long since established the fact that my little people have found ways around those handy dandy drawer latches that are supposed to keep them out of the drawers.

We have tried everything imaginable to try and keep the babies out of the drawers and more importantly, away from the scary, dangerous things that are inside of them!

I thought that I had this all under control, until I heard those eerie giggles coming from the kitchen AGAIN!

I very cautiously went into the kitchen to see what the source of their amusement was, only to see Kaiden standing in the middle of the kitchen, brandishing a rather sharp and very scary butcher knife that he had just pulled out of the drawer.

Apparently, his short arms have grown and he can now reach back into the back of the drawer behind the caddy and get whatever he pleases, because there he stood, in all his horror film, bad joke punch-line glory, butcher knife gleaming in the light.

I carefully kept my cool as I extracted the scary sharp object from the baby's hands.

Nobody got hurt, but it certainly isn't what a Mum wants to find in her cherubic baby's hands!

It Got Worse!

I know, I know, I should never EVER have said anything about how things could possibly get worse with my kids finding new and interesting ways to entertain themselves.

For whatever insane reason, I must have jinxed myself, because they got into something pretty awful.

In fact, I didn't even know that what they managed to unearth was even in my house!

I know it's gone now, though! On Friday, my industrious little trio decided that it would be fun to go exploring inside the bottom of our china cabinet.

Now, I haven't really kept anything inside the china cabinet in years in anticipation of just such an event.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, there were a few things still in that cabinet, though!

Yep, I walked into the living room and dining room on Friday, innocently wondering why the babies were sounding so very gleeful and happy and giggly, only to find that it appeared to be SNOWING inside my house.

At first, nothing made any sense to me. Of course it is late August, but why oh why is it snowing inside my house?

Then I noticed that, while the babies were twirling and frolicking in the snowy stuff that was swirling all about, that there were chunks of it on the floor, too.

Snow doesn't fall in chunks! Styrofoam, however, can be torn into chunks. Yep, they managed to find a box with some very nasty, staticy Styrofoam inside it.

It appears to have once housed something I had received as a Christmas gift from Christmases gone by, but now it was busy serving as snow inside my house!

The babies had apparently found the Styrofoam, and quickly figured out how much fun it is to shred it into little foamy-balls and bits!

Then, to add insult to injury, they soon discovered how much fun it was to run through the mess that they had made!

In fact, by the time I got in there to see what the matter was, Kai was busy driving his dump truck through the snow piles to make it swirl about him.

Kian was pirouetting through it literally, giggling when it swirled about him and marveling at how the bits would stick to his hair and clothes!

Vivienne, in the meantime, had gone and put her baby into her stroller and had commenced to chasing Kai and that dump truck through the snow.

This meant that the Styrofoam snow was spreading quickly all over the huge vast rooms!

Somehow, I knew that the broom was only going to make this mess much worse. Thank the Gods for the invention of Swiffers!

The static cling part that makes Swiffers work helped make my Styrofoam cleanup a LOT easier!

I only had to unclog everything three or four times before I had managed to Swiffer-vac most of the little Styrofoam bits up!

I only wish I could have found a way to use that thing on the carpet! The real vacuum cleaner only kicked the Styrofoam behind it, essentially making me chase the bits all around the living room rug and floor for what seemed like an eternity!

There were bits under the dining room table, and bits on the children. There were bits on top of the furniture, under the furniture, and even stuck to the wall via static cling!

To make clean-up even harder, I just couldn't keep the triplets out of my clean-up area!

As soon as I would get one baby situated and brushed off and Styrofoam-free, another would come mowing through the middle of what I was cleaning, stirring up more mess!

This was one of the most all-time frustrating messes that I have EVER had to clean up!

I don't think I shall EVER, EVER wonder what my kids could possibly do or get into next!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Little People Antics

They are at it again. My little people have managed to find lots of ways to get into trouble yet again!

When they need reading material, Kai goes scavenging in the kitchen for stray mail, innocently stacked on the back of the counter tops.

Not only is mail fun to read, but it's fun to shred as well! All those pretty pictures are nice to see and even more fun to make into shredded artwork!

If the reading material isn't interesting any longer, you could always go and make sand art in the fire place!

Kian was quite a work of art himself after playing in the fireplace. He looked like one of those Haitian zombie people that you see on National Geographic after his play session yesterday!

Soot is nearly impossible to completely get off of a little person without totally hosing them down, which usually upsets them so!

Then, if that isn't enough to amuse you, the kitchen cabinet next to the refrigerator offers many ways to have fun.

You could climb inside it, if you aren't afraid of the dark and the things that might be lurking in the shadows.

Really the dark isn't much to be afraid of, considering Vivienne is always ready to come and shut the open cabinet door on you should one decide that it might be fun to play inside the kitchen cabinet!

Yep, Vivie likes everything to be tidy and in its place, so any open door must be closed, even if your head or hand or even body might be in the way!

I suppose these latest antics aren't nearly as awful as when they tailgated in the oven, or decided to try out flying by way of the dining room chandelier.

Dare I say that it could be worse? Quick, somebody knock on wood for me!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A New Schedule

With my eldest going back to school, my working two jobs from home, and somehow managing to juggle keeping my two year old triplets at home with me while trying to nurture a resurrected yet fledgling theater and its major fundraiser, I have found myself trying not to go insane!

So, the other night, I had an apostrophe. Nope, really it was an epiphany, but a friend of mine has taught me to think like this, so that is how it has been written!

The idea is, if I have my children on a schedule, why in the heck don't I put myself on one as well?

I don't know what I have been thinking, but it has become quite clear that I, too, am in need of a strict schedule!

So, now that my eldest is back in school, I make sure that I am up and dressed as soon as husband and my eldest leave for work and school, and begin my day.

I log into the work computer database from home before the babies get up, and work a bit until it is time for the babies to get up and have breakfast.

By 8:30 the babies are having breakfast while I grab a quick 10 minute exercise video and try to keep up doing the things I should!

Then, while the babies play and have a bit of a movie break, I go back to working on everything.

Lunch is now at 11:30 for the little people, then it's off to the nursery for a nap.

I get to work while they nap of course, balancing both jobs as the workload allows!

At 2, the babies are up from their nap, changed and allowed to play for a bit until it's time to pick up big brother from school and have a nice car ride!

As of this Monday, I will be dropping Bregon off at the Renzi Center for his homework help and Art classes. He is especially looking forward to that!

Then it will be back home for a bit more work while the babies play!

In about two weeks, I will add in my fundraiser auditions, then the show will go into rehearsal and full outright build at which time I HOPE that I shall have everything balanced out so that poor husband and I don't lose our minds!

I cannot imagine why I haven't tried putting myself on a schedule before!

Back To School Again!

It's been busy around my house for the past few weeks! I have been working on getting my eldest back to school for his eighth grade year.

Bregon is getting so very old! I cannot believe that he will be 14 in November!

This year, he is in the 8th grade and I completely need to catch up on everything and try to keep up!

I thought I had a routine and that I knew what to do. Boy was I wrong on that account!

I started watching the adds so that I could catch his school clothes on sale.

I did manage to get his annual set of jeans at the right price, somehow! But, I managed to NOT obtain other important things like a new backpack!

Somehow we got our communications crossed, and I was under the impression that he was going to use his trusty rusty backpack from a few years ago that had been doing so well...(or so I had thought!)

As luck would have it, and in typical nearly 14-year old fashion, my child waits until the Thursday before school starts to inform me that the trusty rusty backpack is being decommissioned for this year due to a small tear in the pencil pouch compartment.

We wouldn't want to lose even a pen top, now would we? So it was off to the store with us, triplets and stroller with a flat tire in tow.

We did manage to find some big-kid shirts (non-t-shirts) while we were out, and several other things as well that somehow passed approval of my teen.

Miraculously, he managed to find and locate the perfect backpack without much trouble.

It is huge, can somehow fit the entire extensive list of school supplies inside, and still has room to spare.

It's also very orange, but hey, we can't win em all, now can we? I'm just grateful not to have had to run all over town to try and find it!

It's day four of school, and somehow we have managed to get by this week so far!

The new backpack is holding up famously, the clothes are all good, and the classes have been approved of.

Somehow, my child even landed one of my old teachers, God help her! I must have had her the first year she taught, too, after reading her profile on her website!

Hopefully this year will be a good one. Bregon is all on cloud nine, being in the 8the grade and all, and having managed to land all of the classes he wanted to have for once!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kai's Cars

For anyone who has ever met Kai, they know how much he adores everything that has to do with CARS!

He has gotten into much mischief in the name of getting to watch the traffic go by from the comfort of the living room.

Our living room is actually in the back of the house, but he discovered that he could see in between the neighbor's houses and watch the traffic going down Creswell if he was only tall enough.

So, Kai found ways to become tall! He climbed up on the sewing table that he would drag from its usual place as an end table next to a set of chairs.

He much preferred it under the window for such activities! Once we had relocated that table to the hallway, he was forced to drag chairs from the dining room table over into the living room and try an put them at the window so that he could watch for CARS!

He is very persistent and is undaunting in his quest to be able to see those cars!

Kai has even learned to count the cars, all on his own, too! He knows exactly how many cars are in the neighbor's driveway over on Creswell and can tell you the correct number depending on who is at home over there!

He is very sweet to his cars, too. He keeps them in his train-table drawer so that they are always handy and ready to play with.

He doesn't use his train track for his train set, either. Nope, he likes to use that track for his beloved cars to drive upon!

In fact, he has mastered the art of putting the train track together properly all in the name of being able to race his cars around it.

He even can use the station house with the little stop and go arm on it for his cars!

Yesterday, I caught him setting up his garage full of match-box cars right next to a newly-built train track set in a perfect oval with a small extension coming off of it, complete with a bridge leading over to the little tyke's garage.

Kai loves cars soo much, that he is always waiting and wondering when his next car ride will be!

If he is sad, I can just put him in the van, and take him for a ride on the interstate to make him feel better.

My kids find the interstate more fun than an adult on a roller coaster! In fact, you might think you were on a roller coaster from the squealing and excited noises coming from Kai in the backseat!

I shudder to think of what his little boy life would be like without his CARS!

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Successful Outing!

Today, with much apprehension, I ventured out with all four of my children, AGAIN!

After the getting tossed out of the movie theater incident a few weeks ago, I was very reluctant to try another outing, but necessity took over, and I had to try.

You see, school starts Monday for my eldest, and he neglected to inform me until last night that his backpack just will not last another year.

Oh, and by the way, did you know he needs real shirts? He has plenty of t-shirts, mind you, but suddenly he finds himself in need of the real, button down variety.

So, we set out in search of just these missing things, triplets in tow.

While Bregon was feeding my trio lunch for me, and getting them dressed for the outing, I ventured into the garage with the idea that I would clean up the new stroller that we had been given.

You see, it looks as if the babies might be happier in it as it keeps them more separated than the usual variety we had been using.

I somehow got the dust and leaves off of it, and managed to get it clean enough to try and put the babies in it (it had been in storage for quite some time!)

Then, we realized that the bicycle pump wasn't working when we tried airing up the tires!

We loaded the van, and headed over to my Dad's with hopes of borrowing his air pump, and try as we might, nobody could get that front tire aired up!

But, undaunted, we headed out to the mall anyways, with hopes of getting at least some of what we needed before the tire gave out.

We were pleasantly surprised once we got there, too. The babies did have an initial problem with being able to kick each other, but a quick switch of places fixed that!

We were able to shop and buy what we needed for once. We had some fussing, but nothing earth shattering or terribly awful that would cause us to forget what we were out for!

We even were able to stop by the cookie shop and get cookies for everyone as a snack without any fuss!

The babies were soo very good, we pushed our luck, and headed off to the grocery store to try and get some pizza for dinner.

We made it through the super market without any trouble, too! Nobody screamed, in fact they were giggly and cute and happy.

The babies now know where pizza, banana's and cookies come from, and that the cashiers and employees magically seem to know who they are and what their names are!

It was great today, actually. Everybody we met was nice and said friendly and nice things to us (for those of you who follow my blogs you will remember that we run into all sorts of un-nice things out and about!)

My kids were happy, and for once, just once, we actually were able to get everything we went out to buy, and remembered what it was we were supposed to be doing for the entire trip!

Tomorrow, we head to a friend of mine's shop for a back-to-school haircut. I'm sure there will be a story to tell there!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm Sick!

Usually Kian is always the baby that is talking. He never, ever is at a loss for words.

His most favorite phrase is, "I'm stuck!" He uses this whenever he doesn't know what else to say.

He uses it when he really is stuck, too! Then there are the times when he uses it when he thinks he may soon really be stuck,but isn't quite there yet, as sort of a disclaimer.

This past week, though, that little phrase has evolved into something else.

You see, my babies have all been really, really sick. In fact, it started with Vivie, and worked its way to Kai, and has now visited Kian, and it just will not go away!

I even have it! But, poor Kian, no matter what I give him, the sniffles and the cough seem to linger.

At first, he would look at me and say, "I'm sick!" Then his voice became gravelly and it was a sort of barking version that came out.

I was very sad when it stopped coming out altogether and was replaced with very sad baby blue eyes that had little tears behind them that just stared at me and blinked every now and then.

But, sometime yesterday, his little boy voice came back! Of course, the first thing he said was, "I'm still SICK!"

I had to giggle, though, because it was promptly followed by his signature, "I'm stuck!"

Thankfully, he is back to chattering and eating again, so I think he is getting better. Now if I can only keep him from actually getting stuck, I will be in business!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Coffee Bean: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

This weekend, husband and I ventured out of the house, leaving my almost 14 year old son in charge of his 2 year old triplet siblings.

We were gone the better part of the afternoon without any problems. My phone rang as we pulled into our driveway, though, and it was Bregon.

He was calling to let us know that the kids were inconsolable at the moment.

I assured him that I was at the front door, literally, and would be inside in a second.

From outside, it sounded like I live in a zoo! The kids were squealing and screaming and it sounded like mass chaos.

I fully expected to find Bregon duct-taped and hog-tied in the closet under the stairs, but really, everything was okay.

In all actuality it was about ten minutes past dinner-time and the triplets were just voicing their disdain over my tardiness.

As Bregon and husband tried calming the little people, Bregon decided to share a tiny yet important and rather lucrative tidbit of information with me.

Kaiden had managed to locate, and successfully swallow a COFFEE BEAN!

Apparently, he had thought it must be a chocolate chip like the sno-caps I had fed him at the movie theater the day before.

He must have worked seriously hard on chewing it, too, because he didn't choke at all.

At face value, I was happy that he had swallowed it with no problem and that it wasn't stuck in any orifice and he hadn't managed to choke on it.

After that worrisome feeling subsided, I realized exactly what the connotations were in my toddler having swallowed a coffee bean!

That thing is COFFEE!!! Coffee is a source of CAFFEINE! Two-year olds and caffeine just do NOT MIX!

Aye, that is the harm in swallowing a coffee bean! He may not have choked on it, but my most active and bouncy baby had managed to give himself a shot of coffee for the most part.

He might as well have mainlined it, too, because once I stopped and really took notice, he was bouncing in place, repeatedly.

He didn't stop bouncing, actually. Maybe vibrating was a better word for it, because it is hard to bounce when one is sequestered and tied into one's feeding chair.

He ate faster than he ever had before. He was allowed down to play, and he bounced from place to place, speed playing with everything.

He grabbed his toy truck and pushed it in circles around the dining room table, running behind it as fast as his little feet could carry him.

I thought it wouldn't last very long. Boy oh boy was I wrong about that!

He ran his little self up the stairs to the nursery at bedtime. He wasn't tired, oh no!

He was ready to bounce in his bed! He bounced his bed clear away from the wall.

He even managed to bounce it sideways to where he could reach the light switch and turn it on!

He shared his caffeine with his siblings by keeping them up until midnight. He finally did sleep, but the caffeine affect lingered.

He got up the next day and was bouncy and speedy and hyper. It lasted all day, and into the night AGAIN!

Two days later, and he had just started slowing down. In fact, I still look at him and wonder when that one tiny coffee bean is going to get out of his system!

Last Sunday, I took husband out shopping for a new coffee grinder.

Apparently, his old one had been on the fritz for about a week, and had been slowly grinding itself to pieces from the inside out!

This resulted in the escaping of that elusive, yet very tasty, coffee bean that has caused soo much bounciness in Kai all week.

We have a new grinder now, and I hope that none of my toddlers EVER finds a stray coffee bean again, EVER!

Wow, who would have thought that one tiny coffee bean could do so much damage and last for so long?

That one coffee bean seems like the gift that just keeps on giving. I hope that he calms down soon!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Agoraphobia Revisited Part 2

We picked what seemed like a kid-friendly enough movie coupled with something that my eldest would like to see, and picked a nice early afternoon matinee.

We got everyone fed, dressed, ready, and loaded into the van fairly easily considering the antics that can happen most days!

I felt like we were late, but we managed to get to the box office in time to get our tickets, get popcorn (thanks to the kind concession folks for the small paper cups to dole it out) and find the right theater.

We were about five minutes later than the actual start time of the show, but to my surprise the seats we needed were still available. In fact, the entire front row was empty by the railings, so we sat in our usual spot.

I had expected, for some reason, to find that this theater was as accommodating as the one in Bossier, however I was to be proven wrong on that theory!

I had no idea that our stroller wouldn't really fit in the space down front as it always did with plenty of room to spare at the other theater (yes we had done movies before successfully-several at that.)

Since we were the only ones seated down by the railings (and this theater didn't exactly have a way for us to access anything closer to the front or I would have tried that instead) I figured we would be good to go.

I was soo terribly wrong, as two different sets of people came in to also sit down by the railings.

They both literally, at different times, came over and literally stared at my kids as if we were some sort of exhibit at the zoo.

One set actually asked if we planned on moving to another area of the theater, to which I replied, "No, ma'am I won't be able to get the stroller up or down the stairs without risking it tumping over."

They were NOT happy with this response for some reason or another. I suppose I should take a minute to explain that the stroller is very long, narrow, and bulky, unlike most baby strollers.

This means that if I must go to the bathroom, I must try and use the handicapped stall so that I don't have to leave my children unattended at any time. We often have to use the handicapped areas because of the bulk and set-up of most public places because of our size.

Apparently, these ladies felt that I should have moved somewhere else, even though the theater wasn't set up to allow for us to be able to do so.

They basically said that they wanted to sit in the seats where we had chosen, instead of the other open available seats in the same section.

During the movie, both parties made a point of crossing in front of us if they needed to go to the concession stand or to the bathroom, even though there were alternative exits to their immediate left or right that went the same place.

They would stop as they crossed in front of us to block the babies view of the screen, and once even went out of their way to bump the stroller, causing one of the kids to dump their cup of popcorn down their front at one point.

Of course this activity eventually upset one of the kids. Thankfully, my other two little people are a little bit more tolerant of others.

But, once one was upset, it became very difficult to appease him. I tried taking him out of the show (they actually made it 3/4's of the way thru without getting bored/sad too which was amazing given the factors involved.)

Taking one baby out, though, caused the other 2 to become upset, so I had to go back inside and get the stroller. Normally, this would not have been a problem, but going in, nobody had been seated down front.

On the way out, the ladies seated next to the exit had stretched all the way out, and I couldn't get past them without having to ask them to please move their feet.

This only served to make them angrier. Once outside in the lobby, I waited for my eldest, of whom I told to stay and watch the rest of the movie since there was only about fifteen minutes left anyways.

Vivienne cried because I had been forced to leave the diaper bag behind due to the spatial exit issues (I didn't want to cause the angry ladies any more problems than our presence already had or so it seemed)and she thought we had left her baby behind and it had made her sad.

Kai was out of popcorn, and Kian wanted to play. I ended up making them bracelets from bits of paper I had in the basket of the stroller to keep them appeased while we waited.

I wondered why the usher was hovering. She was very happy to come over and let us know that they had three complaints about us during that movie.

Once the movie let out, the very same ladies who had voiced their displeasure with us came over to stare and talk about my kids as if they were some sort of zoo exhibit.

When my son finally came out of the theater, he was beet red. He was very upset, because while he was rounding up the diaper bag, my purse, and the various cups and toys that we had dropped, the same usher had advised him that he needed to make sure that in the future his siblings were kept on a tight leash.

She also used some other unkind slurs that I cannot repeat here, but it really upset him, so my eldest decided to nicely speak his mind about the subject.

I am really surprised at the lack of tolerance people have for mothers out with their children now-a-days.

It's no wonder that I rarely leave the house anymore with my kids. Can you understand why now?

I know that a lot of folks think children should be seen and not heard. Honestly, these same folks were once children.

I even suspect that they may have even been allowed to act like children, too!

It would have been one thing if my kids were all running rampant all over the place, hanging from the rafters and screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing popcorn at the unsuspecting, but the fact of the matter is that the three of them spent most of the movie strapped into their stroller.

One was allowed out to sit in our laps. When he became restless, I allowed my son to try and take him to a seat closer to the screen where nobody was sitting so they could try a different seat.

Apparently, I am expected to stay home with my kids til they are old enough to drive or something, who knows!

But, the more I think about it, the sillier it becomes. I wasn't attending an R rated movie, and it was not an evening showing. I don't take my kids to Earnest's for dinner, we go places during the day where it should be expected that Mums would be out and about with their kids.

We have the right to do normal family things, too, and I feel that people should try and be more tolerant of us Mums who are brave enough to try and face the masses with our kids!

I hate and rather resent being made to feel agoraphobic and that I should keep my kids caged up at home like a bunch of animals!

They are children, and how can I teach them anything if I cannot take them anywhere!

Remember, the next time someone says something negative about one of us as a Mum out with our kids, that these same crotchety people must have been children, too, once upon a time!

I can bet that their Mum took them places, and that they acted up like children often do, and that their Mums have stories about them as well!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Agoraphobia Revisited

For those of you who know us, or who are familiar with our antics and stories of what goes on in our lives, you know that at first, I was all about taking my kids with me anywhere and everywhere.

Of course, I didn't get my first big stroller until my kids were five months old, so we had to make do with a single reclining stroller for all three to share, which wasn't really much of a problem because my little people were already soo very tiny!

Then, we became very mobile, and tried out going places like to restaurants, to the revel (Kai does NOT like bass or loud music at all) and even to see movies when they were a tad bit older.

We did really well at Superior for lunches with our GrandGary. We discovered that if we spaced everyone along the wall in their car seats mounted on the highchairs, we could peacefully have dinner and the babies could check out the hustle and bustle of everything.

We even tried Olive Garden, Macaroni Grill, and even Strawn's successfully for eating out during the day.

We don't go too many places at night, because the evening routine starts with a five o'clock dinner, then progresses to bedtime, so evenings are out for the babies!

I even used to could take them all shopping successfully, until about a year ago.

That was when the comments and stares from people became uncomfortable for my tiny trio.

Apparently, they reached a point where they understood that nobody else was treated quite the same way that they were while out and about.

They seemed to pick up on the negative comments and the negative stares and it would make them leery of folks and sometimes they would even cry.

People just do not treat us like they do normal babies that they see out and about, either.

They send their kids up to the stroller to stare at the novelty of triplets, and think nothing of them touching them as if they were baby dolls and not little people born too early who are more susceptible to disease/germs than other kids the same age.

People got offended when I asked them to please not get too close to the babies for that very reason alone, and even more so when I asked their children not to touch them, even though I tried very hard to be nice about the whole thing (it was especially unnerving at the doctor's office for our check-ups.)

Then the day came of the last Wal-mart excursion. My eldest was in tow that day, and we were after some very specific needed things that day too.

We got as far as the first shelving unit in the main aisle before we were literally cornered.

One guy was on one of those motorized carts and headed us off in front and just blocked the entire aisle with the bulk of his cart & himself. He didn't say a word for nearly five minutes, but only stared at my babies.

Behind us, a lady stopped with her daughter in the buggy, to talk to her about how triplets are made (yes she did this out loud.)

We couldn't go forward, and we couldn't back up and go around because of the bins in the center of the aisle were blocking all alternative escape routes. I had no choice but to stand there with my babies and my eldest and try to keep the peace.

My son tried to ask the lady behind us if we could please get by to no avail. She was too in to the story she was spinning to her daughter about us.

I tried asking the man who was staring at us to please let us pass, too, but he didn't say a word in response. It was as if I were invisible and not even there.

We hadn't even been in the store long enough to do anything. In fact, we were barely really inside the store at all save for that main entry-aisle.

My kids eventually became as creeped out by the man staring at them without talking as I had, and began to cry over it.

He finally just pulled away after what seemed like forever, but the damage was already done. My kids were upset, and I had a heck of a time quieting them down and soothing them.

That mother who had been telling her daughter the triplet story continued to follow us through-out the store for a time as if she were the crocodile hunter and we were her prey.

My son and I did our best to try and get the things that we needed, but it was difficult to think because the babies were upset.

It seemed like every time I would get them calmed down, something would happen.

I parked our buggy and stroller in the produce section, sent my son to get some apples which were right next to the stroller, basically, and I turned to try and pick out some decent broccoli.

My kids started to cry again as I was broccoli hunting, so I turned around to try and soothe them, only to find that a lady had literally placed her buggy in the small space in between me & my stroller, thus blocking me from them completely.

It would have been one thing had my stroller been a small single, but our rather large and lengthy limo arrangement didn't allow me to be able to get to where the kids could even see me to know that I was still around. All they could see was that lady and her buggy.

Oddly enough, she continued to stand in between us and became upset with me for trying to get in front of her buggy so that my kids would even know that I was there.

After that day (and several other incidences that occurred that would make this posting more than too long,) I basically stopped taking my kids out on outings.

People expected me to be able to quiet them, yet these same people were the ones getting in the way of my efforts to do so. They were more concerned with satisfying their own curiosity than in the well being of the little ones they were ogling, all good intentions aside.

Fast forward to this past Friday, when I decided that, after a week of doing nothing and my eldest helping out with my little people, I would try taking everyone out to see a movie.