Boris Is Back!
Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 07, 2009 at 05:25 PM
I had the neatest thing happen earlier this week. I am not sure if you read about my other kitty, Boris and what happened to him last June or not.
It relates to that problem I have been having with my elderly neighbors literally stealing my cats by removing their electric collars that give them access to their food and water pantry and litter boxes that also keeps them safe inside my yard and such.
But my big, fuzzy, wonderful Boris Karloff kitty finally came home today and let us know he was still breathing!!!!
You see, he had gotten hit or rather run over by the neighbor's neighbors (yes I know it sounds silly but it’s the way it happened.)
Tthis was early last June when this all happened. He ran off after the accident and nobody could find him (or get an accurate account of what actually had happened to him.)
We have been looking and watching and calling for him every time we go outside.
We asked the neighbors to let us know if they found him or saw him or anything. We even were trying to be nice, but it was super, super hard.
Of course we never heard from them on the subject and never did find out what happened to him, until this past Saturday.
We were outside with all of the kids playing in the backyard when I just happened to look up, out of habit I suppose.
That was when I noticed this shadow behind the fence. Whatever it was, it was trying to jump up and come over the fence exactly like Boris used to do last spring .
So,I went over to the fence line and started calling his name just to see what would happen. After all, I had noticed that it was a yellow blur in between the slats of the fence!
It really was BORIS!!!!! He is awfully small...(he was a huge massive tom kitty-all fuzzy ‘cause he is a Norwegian Longhaired kitty.)
He couldn’t make that jump at all, either. He had to go around to the other corner and use the smaller fence and the garage next door to make it back over the fence.
It was a shorter jump, but he barely made it. But I helped him over when he got stuck at the top.
I guess the happy ending is that he came home and we each got to have fuzzy kitty loves and it was wonderful.
Then, the other neighbors unleashed their behemoth doggies and it scared him away for a time.
At least we know he is alive and okay for the most part. Apparently, the neighbors must have found him at some point and taken him to the vet and took care of him because he obviously was hurt in the accident.
I am so glad to have him back and to know he is okay, but it irks me to think that they didn’t have the courtesy to AT LEAST LET ME KNOW HE WAS OKAY!!!!
After all, this is the kitty that we have had since he was 3 weeks old. The little tiny kitten that jumped to us from the eaves of the Florentine downtown.
He was so very young that I had to bottle fed him and nursed him and mommied him and did icky things for him we don’t do for our own children, till he was old enough to do it for himself.
He really thinks and acts like he is one of my own children. For that matter, he might as well be!
I just cannot believe that these people LITERALLY TOOK HIM FROM HIS HOME!!!!! I cried all summer when we couldn’t find him anywhere because I just knew that where ever he was, he would be crying for me.
He always cries when he is scared or hurt or sick. It used to frighten everyone who wasn’t used to being around him because he sounded like a baby crying for "Mama."
He hates to be out in the world alone, too. He once thought that my husband was lost when he stayed down in Houston to close a show and didn’t come home till a week after my son and I did.
Boris dutifully snuck out of the house seemingly to find his daddy all on his own. He was lost for nearly three whole weeks that time.
The night he left, there was a huge nasty storm, and it apparently scared him so bad that he hid under the house 2 houses down from ours, and he was too scared to come out.
Once we figured out where he was (and after husband got home and Boris became aware that he was home,) we left food out in front of the cubby hole under the house and systematically moved it a few feet every few hours till it was on our front porch.
That’s how we got him back the first time, actually. He was soo scared that he had almost quite forgotten his own name, but after a few hours he was back to his old self.
I can only imagine what he went through this last time. I mean, I had nightmares where I would hear him, or of him being inside the house but my not being able to find him.
But now, he is really home, and I know he is alive and going to be okay. This time we had a happy ending.
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