Friday, October 14, 2011

A Mum Like Me

Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 10, 2008 at 12:57 PM Today, I arranged a shopping date with a friend of mine so we could go and pick out fabric for an outfit for our theater fundraiser. Of course, silly me, I had quite forgotten about taking my kids with me and the idea that Kai really abhors shopping more than anything in the whole wide world! Lucky for me, my friend has a LOT of kids, too! They aren't all hers biologically, but she raised them regardless, so she is used to masses of kids and having to take them in public! It was super nifty getting to go out with someone else who doesn't mind when my kids cry because they don't like being cooped up in their stroller. She also didn't mind picking up the things my kids insisted upon bringing with them, yet chose to toss at the unsuspecting innocent shoppers. In fact, she picked stuff up automatically just as if they were her kids, which was neat! We covered a lot of ground this morning, and the kids were even good for the most part, well at least for the three of them that is! It was so nice to be out and about with someone who has been in the same situation that I am in!


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