Friday, October 14, 2011

Misunderstanding Kian

Posted by Vulnadia on Jun 07, 2009 at 12:57 PM Little kids can be hard to understand sometimes, ESPECIALLY when they are toddlers! We had an interesting misunderstanding yesterday while Kian was having his diaper changed. You see, for a few days, he has been having a little diaper rash as he is prone to heat rashes by nauture in the first place. So, he has become quite accustomed to having his Boudreaux's Butte Paste applied to his tiny hiney each and every diaper change without fail. Let me back up and just state that Kian is my eloquent toddler. He can say things and communicate better than anyone at the moment. So, he takes the opportunity to learn as many new and interesting words as he possibly can. That, I suppose, is where this little misunderstanding or miscommunication came from in the first place. You see, his Daddy had decided that his rash had quite cleared up and that Boudreaux's Butte Paste just wasn't necessary anymore, so he didn't ask Bregon to fetch it for him. He didn't plan on using any of it at all, actually as Kian's behind was now a normal, usual, everyday color. Kian, however, had other plans and wanted the extra added protection it would give him against any possible rash that may come up in the near future. So, Kian decided to call for it and ask for it by name all on his own. "BoooBalls!" he said as loudly as he could. "I need BOOBALLS!" he screamed when nobody jumped to go and fetch it for him. Nobody moved because both Husband and Bregon were much too busy being doubled over laughing at Kian at the moment. Poor Kian still doesn't know what it is that he said, as he just wanted his Butte Paste applied. What he didn't know, was that his phrasing and pronunciation had come accross as something quite other than the "Boudreaux's" that he was trying to request by name!


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