Friday, October 14, 2011


Posted by Vulnadia on Mar 15, 2009 at 06:17 PM One of my trio, Kaiden, is overly in to tracks. He loves to create them out of anything and everything! This stems from his innate love of all things that are cars. To him, anything that "Goes" and has wheels should be classified as a car. Vacuum cleaners are cars because they have wheels. He loves to sneak into the laundry room and have conversations with ours. He loves to watch me vacuum and follow the "tracks" that it makes in the carpet with his dump truck. Last week, I caught him making tracks with a pack of diapers that he snagged off of the shelf! You and I would probably consider this a road, but to him it was a track. One that he immediately set about to driving his ride-on dump truck upon. Then it happened. He had made this discovery in his bedroom closet a few days ago, and was busy hiding in there from his siblings in some attempt to surprise them when they came in for bed. He found a rogue milk-crate of train track and parts in his bedroom closet! Then he convinced his daddy to let him have the whole thing! So, when I went into the dining room the other day, I found that a train track had mysteriously erected itself all the way around my very long and very massive dining room table! Then to add to matters, my eldest decided to show Kai how to build a bridge with the spare parts. Then they both discovered a way to make a really super tall elevated bridge that is easily toppled! Now, in order to get to the dining room table, one must take special care and mind the busy railroad industry that has sprung up around everything! Kaiden takes this all very seriously and truly gets upset whenever his track is breached!


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