Friday, October 14, 2011

Abortion In Certain Cases/Situations?

Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 21, 2010 at 12:47 PM With the debate raging on in the healthcare platforms on abortions & how to handle/cover them, I saw this when it came up on our sister site &wondered what everyone else thinks. I ran into just this issue while pregnant with my triplets. First, they offered selective reduction at the first specialist visit at 3months. They had refused to even see me 'til they knew my pregnancy might actually be viable as is their custom/standard. Then to be met with "Hi, thought about abortion?" after a rather awful miscarriage & then the discovery that the girly parts do in fact function... Better that they should in my case...then they want me to terminate one or more of the babies? yes, I gave it some thought & research & made my own decision. The factors were many & I wont go in to all of them, but I will state that "selectively" reducing fetuses in multiple pregnancies greatly increases the chances of miscarriage on the remaining child/children one is carrying.... That being said, just before the last chance to abort came around, I was offered up yet another chance to terminate my very difficult pregnancy. This time I even knew which child; specifically my daughter looked (yes ladies LOOKED) like she might have some problems. Lets run these tests which could cause you to miscarry & then lets terminate on this basis or uh NO, not after getting THIS far successfully, not when they said I wouldn't even make it past the 3month mark. But I wont go in to that decision or the reasons/rationale behind it either- lets just put on the table that there is nothing wrong whatsoever with my daughter at ALL....which makes me wonder how many before me & yet to come will choose based on dr recommendation... That being said,here is the post that I found so interesting. Let us know what you think, but please try & be objective & keep it nice!!! I am posting the original post within quotes " Posted by steffany813 on Jan 20, 2010 at 07:57 PM I know people may get very upset with this topic but realize that is not the intent of this post. I am only wondering what everyone's take is on this. I know abortion is an issue that provokes a lot of emotion in people. So please state your opinions, say how you feel but be very respectful of each others views and feelings. If you were told by your Dr. that your baby would be born with serious abnormalities that would most likely cause suffering for the child, would you abort the pregnancy? In addition to to the problems of the child consider the psycological problems for the parents, not to mention the financial burden, would that contribute to your decision? What would you do? This is even hard for me to answer myself. Of course I would want to know all the stats of the illness but unless I was told that the child would be in pain I don't think I could ever abort but even then I am not sure. I don't care about the mental or financial burden I would endure but I know that something like that would effect my other kids and be hard on them. There are so many things to think about but again it would have to be a matter of my child physically suffering for me to even consider it but I just don't know. I do know I would not think less of a mom who did abort if it were for the sake of the child. "


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