After The Weekend
Posted by Vulnadia on Sep 07, 2009 at 12:36 PM
have you guys seen this yet? just curious to know after the comments about signing autographs & knowing who optimus prime is & such...
I dont care who the president is- i've questioned em all since i was a little one- i can remember asking questions about carter-then i remember when we were made to WRITE LETTERS in class on how reagan could free the hostages- as if we even knew what the heck that was in the first can betcha those letters were chock full of scooby doo solutions-bannana peels & duct tape & all...why? because we were only 6 or 7!!!!
its silly to force a lesson plan on a bunch of kids no matter WHAT the age! why is that necessary? i mean, lets face it, THESE KIDS ARE IN SCHOOL!!!! demographically that is the flaw in this whole address- its supposed to be being shown within the schools to encourage kids to attend, not to drop out- where are the stats that say every kid will be there? every child can be reached? who cares about the ones who ARENT there for whatever reason? & the flaw is that IT IS THOSE WHO ARENT IN SCHOOL that are the intended targets!!!!! or SHOULD be!!!!
its the whole 1950's telephone poll validity- sure you can do a telephone poll, but its only as accurate as the demographics who can actually AFFORD a telephone & have one within the home that is working!!!! what sort of flaw is that in the plan? can you see it yet?
my kid goes to a college prep school-you have to keep a 2.5 just to stay in there-& all of the kids should graduate with tops because the curriculum is set up that way to begin with-if they want to graduate, they will get tops basically- what does this message tell them? what will they learn from it? betcha they will be wondering about the homeless, the kids who have already not shown up for their school day- but the question is, will the government?
now ask me if this is a race issue- tell me its a coincidence that the demographics of the kids who arent showing up, who are dropping out match the demographics who support the president, the speech what have you-insert favourite adjectives etc here...however you want to look at it, however you do look at it-
its a fact of underpriveledged life that racial demographics come into play-its always been that way- whether you are prejudice against gypsy's (the rom & yes this is very valid & i'm not kidding) mexican, chinese,japanese,white, black, insert favourite unmelting pot term here-not trying to be derogatory, but to show you that its someone everywhere, only its the someone who differs by background/ethniticy etc...
the speech is the speech- the lesson plan has been continously revised- i only wish i had copied the entire page & posted it to begin with instead of the link so you could see the changes for yourselves & understand that they have in fact been changed & amended from day to day, hour to hour. i am going to go out on a limb & say the speech has more than had its own evolution process as well.
i've seen analogies to the greats of history this past week, leaving few stones unturned/tossed- marx, lennin, stalin, you name it- all the thinkers are there for whatever your feeling towards them may be-its even gotten down to zombie analogy- heck lets toss in george romero while we're at it- after all he is the definitive political genius who brought us the idea of a world where zombies, humans & politics can coexist harmoniously...
but lets understand that this is the future we are talking about- our children- & for once maybe just maybe everyone has had their wakeup call on just how important our kids are- maybe you will learn from this incident, go forward & take the new info with you-mold our kids into better little people regardless of that speech-or its contents- am really referring to the issue as a whole really
we need to stay nice, play nice & get along-agree to disagree, but yes some of what is said will tick us off for obvious reasons- we are ALL DIFFERENT!
america was built on that difference, in fact it was the key to our country to begin with- somewhere along the way that flame that lit the melting pot has been put out- we need to RELIGHT IT & get back on track before the entire country loses sight of what it is supposed to be- stop trying to individualize, stop trying to claim nationality to other countries when you know at heart you are born AMERICAN & no different from your neighbor in many many ways- & neighbors have to work together to achieve common goals- right now we are a country divided- & that makes it very weak...which is dangerous! dont live like antiquated new orleans, never knowing what nationality you would wake up to be from day to day, week to week!
hopefully tomorrow wont be as bad as last week made it out to be-hopefully the kids have had a weekend to forget the hate bits & it will be peaceful & they will all groan at the assignments as they would any other papers they would be given to write-
& we will be at least somewhat wiser for it & so will they
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