Friday, October 14, 2011

Bregon & The Magnet Application

Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 09, 2009 at 10:54 AM We are at the midpoint through the school year, as my eldest prepares to choose which highschool he will attend, and starts to think about what courses he will want to take. He went back to school this past Monday after what seemed to be a very lengthy Christmas break. I was spoiled while he was out on holiday,because he could watch the little people for me and I didn't have to worry about odd noises to listen for that signal trouble coming from the living room! Now, there are new toys and new noises to learn and adjust to! Do you know that Thomas the Train engine trains clanking together often sound like glass breaking? Who knew? And then there is this small matter of the kitchen set being used as a step ladder... But for a time, I had my 14 year old to help out! Then, he went back to school where we must worry and focus on grades for next year. We have Magnet applications coming due just as soon as we get this current report card. Along with that, I must attach his latest test scores. Have you see what his baby brother did to them? Oh, I put them up out of the way, someplace safe, really I did. It wasn't high enough or safe enough, though. Kaiden climbed up and found them (on top of the refridgerator,don't ask, it's Kai) and decided to (drum roll please) EAT THEM! Yes, there are actually two very clear and distinct bite marks and chucks taken out of the opposit corners of the test score paperwork. That is how they must be turned in, too. I can hear them at the Magnet office now, "You're actually telling me that your baby brother ate your test scores?" And poor Bregon, knowing that Magnet students often come up with far better excuses than that and that the office has heard literally EVERYTHING over the years, and many by far more creative than our story, will wonder what they shall think of him. I have worried about something like this happening for years and now it had to happen NOW at such an inopportune moment, to something so very necessary, at that. But, that's the actual sad truth of the matter. Kaiden really did eat the corners off of the test scores. Husband says I should take the kids in to the office with us when we go to turn them in, so that they will understand and not penalize us for having a lame excuse in a place that prides themselves on students who are creative and clever enough to come up with so much more. I went to school there, and know for a fact, that we will not really fit into the office to do just that. So, poor Bregon must take his application and scores and deliver them to the office all on his own. I do hope that they will not say much or even notice it. I mean, this is the one place he has known he has wanted to attend since he was seven! I am soo very worried about all of this! replies on the college courses- a dear friend of mine's 14 (well today she turned 15, happy birthday paige!!!!) yr old just enrolled in bpcc courses & she is just a freshman @ benton high- wow! i was showing husband a second ago, & we think we will be able to copy them with the page behind it (the 2nd page actually) & it will even fill in the missing chuck with the correct name & student # & everything - so the magic may be there!!!! it matches up perfectly- its more of the unknown stressing him out- its normally harder in elementary school & middle school getting in where you want to go, but he really REALLY wants to be on the magnet fencing team & its not offered anywhere else in the area- he has his courses all planned out- where he will take fencing as gym requirement & use his extra elective course as drama til he is old enough to have more elective spots which will be filled with fencing, drama & probably his latin... he really has a game plan!! it would be ahsamed for him not to get in after all that- hoping our fears are unfounded!!! but he & his best friend really want to do this together!!!! thanks for the ideas! ~Mimi i am not sure if its online or at the college itself- they USED to have a program for highschool students when they were at the old location, & i bet they still have some semblence of it- not sure if its the same, though- i would check their website & see what the guidelines are for the highschool students-its probably on there! wish i had the same opportunites as a kid! we had some programs, like a classmate of mine took dance half the day at centenary, but she was also in escaped images at the time(the dance troupe ginger folmer had-dunno if its still going or not really!)- thanks for the wishes! he is trying really hard!


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